MARIAN ADVOCATIONS. 1 Virgin, Various Appearances
"Mary was blessed, because, before giving birth to his teacher, she carried him into her womb"Saint Augustine of Hipona

Good morning, I arrived. I bring to you is an issue that causes confusion for many, even Christians who do not delve much into knowing their faith. Let's start !!
The Virgin Mary is Mother of Jesus and Mother of all humanity, at least for us Catholics. And I say this in the beginning, since it is very important to understand it to develop the post.

Now, how are the mothers? Well, in our human experience, we know that a mother is one who takes care of us, corrects, comforts, advises, intercedes, defends, protects and helps in every sense of the word. The Virgin, having this elevated position that God gave her for her obedience and abandonment to Her Will, does all that, and more, for us; and just in case, I clarify, this is not done by her because she has some power of her property, everything is given to her by the Father for being her daughter and of the Son for being her Mother.

Throughout history there have been appearances where the people involved make the description of a BEAUTIFUL woman, covered by a mantle, sometimes with a BEAUTIFUL child in her arms or on her lap, covered with a splendid and RADIANT light like the sun . Likewise throughout history, the reactions have been many, in our humanity, fear has manifested concerning the never before seen or experienced, but there are also people who, without words and just with Her presence, had already identified that Bella Lady.

From children, as is the case of the invocation of the Virgin of Fatima, to indigenous people as is the case of the Virgin of Coromoto, they have seen the Virgin. In Japan, with the name Our Lady of Akita; in France, as the Virgen de la Salette; and so, throughout the world. As you can see, it always begins with "Our Lady of ..." or "Our Lady of ..." and continues with the geographical site of the apparition, the name of the person to whom it appeared or some detail that characterizes this GREAT and blessed event in specific.

Each apparition is, of course, unique and special, where Our Mother seeks, through her clothing and physical characteristics to become closer to us, this can be observed in physical replicas such as paintings, portraits, sculptures, etc., done by describing those who were in Her presence. A serene, firm, secure attitude, ornate in all its splendor of God's grace; always carrying a message of Concern for sinners who do not seek His Son, a call to Deep Prayer and Sacrifice for the Salvation of souls and Promises of Love that the Father manifests through Her for those who love Him and follow His Commandments.

That's all for today guys. Over time I have seen people who are not clear about this issue and ask about the "virgins", in the end you realize that it is logical to think that there are several when the physical representations are different, the people they appear to have different languages and Your messages can sometimes be very specific; the truth is that at the time I did not fully understand that of the advocations, but after looking for answers I understood the way in which She becomes familiar to those who want to carry a message, getting to transmit the closeness and warmth that every Mother offers to her beloved children.
A big hug. God bless you.