One of the most beautiful creations of God: The Woman
Esteemed readers of Steemchurch, today I will dedicate my publication to this interesting, beautiful and special genre as it is: The Woman, in tribute to us, I am a woman, what timely truth!
On March 8 of each year, International Women's Day is celebrated, unfortunately, in Venezuela, where I live and I am proudly Venezuelan, no homage could be paid, due to the great blackout of our history as a country. But I still invite all the women of the world to: "build a future in which innovation and technology create unprecedented opportunities for women and girls to play an active role in creating more inclusive systems, efficient services and sustainable infrastructures to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and gender equality ".
Gender equality in the 2030 Agenda: key objectives
• Ensure that all girls and all boys complete the cycles of primary and secondary education, which must be free, fair and of quality and produce relevant and effective school results.
• Ensure that all girls and all children have access to early childhood care and development services and quality pre-school education, so that they are prepared for primary education.
• End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls around the world.
• Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual exploitation and other types of exploitation.
• Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, precocious and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
Activities and celebration of the Day
This Day is celebrated at the United Nations Headquarters in New York with numerous activities, attended by women from the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and design, senior officials of the Organization and various committed personalities with the advancement of women's rights. It is organized by UN Women, the UN body dedicated to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
The working group on gender inclusive language of the UN, made up of different departments and agencies of the UN, carries out on the 12th (from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.) and 13 (from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.) of March a Gender inclusive language fair.
Attendees will be shown the gender inclusive language website, available in the six UN languages, and small workshops will be held on gender equality and gender inclusive language.
I do not want to belittle the masculine gender, since we are all important members of our society: women and men, together they make up a large part of the population of our planet: Earth, the woman for being the creation of God that perpetuates life, due to that through them, that is, we can bring to this World other human beings, beautiful truth! In spite of this, we have been the object of physical and psychological abuses by our fellow human beings breaking everything: bond, faith, love, respect, justice and humanism, that's why the importance of Celebrating March 8 of each year as a sign of tribute and reminder of the role it represents in life for all, this ingenious and complicated according to many gender, without limitations or restrictions of any kind, that is, religious, cultural, economic, age and gender, is worth so much redundancy.
I am a woman, the celebration of this day fills me with pride and joy and I thank God for allowing me to be part of this genre, as well, giving me the opportunity to help and support any abuse, injustice and disrespect regardless of their condition: social, religious, political, racial, cultural, age and economic belonging, since this violation of my gender is an atrocity not only towards the eyes of Almighty God, but also towards my existence as a human being.
One of the most beautiful creations of God: The Woman
"We are like a flower that must be sown with great delicacy, likewise: water, feed, care, protect, love and consent"
Next I show you a photo of my main family nucleus with which you lived now, and by chance we are all women, of different ages to vary and share experiences and experiences.

Happy day to all the women of the world and do not let anything or anyone overshadow their shine and splendor during your existence as a woman

To honor women is not only for the social, political and economic achievements, but to thank the Lord for the women who hold in prayer the ministry of their husbands, women who bend their knees for their children, powerful women in God who manages to do a revolution of love wherever they pass, that without catching weapons, they destroy the strongholds of evil with their fervent lives of prayer, which make of their homes, true altars of praise to the Lord.
Resteem by: EC
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A thousand thanks for reading my publication as well for your reflections.
Although I am a man of God, we really have to thank God for creating the Woman, God is using women as an instrument to minister his power.
Thanks for sharing
A thousand thanks and blessings for reading my publication and so for your opinion and great reflection on this.
The woman is the most beautiful complement that God has given to men, beautiful and jovial is a precious jewel that adorns our lives, God bless every day.
Thank you for such a beautiful reflection and message, a thousand blessings
Good night God Bless you, we are to serve you @msmm1964
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