Between Heroes and Wolves

I take the opportunity to express, the audacity of some professionals of this career, who in their private consultations are charging in dollars, foreign currency, I know, and it is not a secret, that this general crisis of Venezuela, the national currency disappeared: Bolívar, the saddest thing, since it is the birthplace of our Liberator: Simón Bolívar, and even more, the sovereign, I am not asking you not to pay or need or sacrifice yourself or your family to do your duty, which is the essence of Hippocrates' oath that these professionals make when they graduate, but do not abuse and be opportunistic, hence another motto that I manifest in this publication: wolf packs among so many innocent and defenseless beings lacking attention, love and support.
In case you have to wait for Almighty God to put you in a position that you have to live and receive in the flesh of your own medicine, I explain this, and I'm going to do it with an event that happened many years ago in Caracas, capital city of Venezuela: In a recognized clinic, an infarcted lady arrived in emergency in very bad conditions, the nurse warned with concern in the room of the doctors of the clinic of the situation, the doctor on duty, told her that she could wait, since she was drinking coffee and talking to his colleagues, delaying the doctor's attention to the patient for a long time, when the doctor finally appears to the room where they were attending and trying to save the lady, who dies when the doctor arrives, more impression and surprise that the patient was: her mother, reflection: emergency is emergency, maybe you have to suffer a tragedy of your own or your own flesh, family or loved one to become aware and responsible of your acts and labors, many say: punishment of God, not God does not punish, is a self-punishment, with the purpose, that you reflect and learn to value not only your life but also that of others, according to a popular saying: " tests of your own medicine. "
I only ask God to make these wolves reflect, and as they say there: "There are so many people but very little humanity", likewise, that we continue to protect and even more so all the heroes and heroines not only of the medicine that day by day they come out to defend our freedom and justice, without forgetting or belittling the anonymous heroes who also fight for humanism, not only in Venezuela but also in the World.

Certainly Maria, this is one of many bad things that are happening in Venezuela, access to health is impossible for the poor class. We pray that God will do justice and have a life in peace.
Resteem by: EC
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Amen that my beloved brother emilioabrera be so, thank you for your reflection.