STEEMCHURCH: God our strength
The Lord is the Glory of Israel. He is our Glory. Many of the men and women of the Bible knew, they were convinced that God was their strength; they became examples that today encourage us to trust in the strength of God. David wrote that, by his God, he could disrupt armies and jump walls.
An angel came and ministered to Elijah, because he was tired and depressed, and he could go on his way for forty days and nights with the strength he had received from that one visit. He wrote that he rejoiced in his weaknesses, knowing that when he was weak, the strength of God would come upon him and supplant those weaknesses.
To put it in today's language, Paul was saying that he was happy when he was weak, because then he had
the opportunity to experience the strength of God. How does a person to receive the strength of God? By faith.

You can receive strength to do great things, even if you have a physical impairment. Have you been trying to overcome the difficulties by yourself? In that case. Begin to gain the strength of the depth of your being, where the Holy Spirit dwells. If that divine strength does not yet live in you, all you need to do to receive it is to admit your sins, repent of them, and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.
Give Him your life, everything you are and everything that is not. Ask Him to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fill you from head to toe with the power of the Spirit. Let God be your strength. Say, together with David: The Lord is my rock, my shelter, my deliverer; It is my God, the rock on which I take refuge. It is my shield, the power that saves me, my highest hiding place. He is my protector and my Savior.
The Lord Jesus himself invites us to take all our burdens to Him because He is careful of us. As well as learning to take those burdens, those responsibilities, those commitments that they will help us grow in life.