in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

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The nation of Israel made three requests that became rather troubling. Two of their requests came under the leadership of moses. Their first request was to "make us gods, that shall go before us" (EXODUS 32:1). Later they said

let us select a leader and return to Egypt".
(NUMBERS 14:4). Under Samuel's leadership, they requested to have a king oversee their affairs Like other nations did. They protested that they needed a king that would oversee their affairs like other nations did. They protested that they needed a king that would execute their battles for them. What they did without realizing at the time was to assert not just their independence from God, but to claim also that they were self reliant and self sufficient.

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That singular choice would later put them under the supervision of many godless leaders who brought the entire nation much heartaches. Then when their cup was full, God sold them into captivity.
It is a thing if pride for any modern nation-state to be self reliant and self sufficient, but it is presumption, if not foolhardy, for any child of God to think that such status is desirable. We are not designed to grow to a point where we will never need God; He alone has the capacity us all through life. Apostle Paul asked rhetorically, "and who is sufficient for these things ?" The answer of course is none; no one is sufficient to navigate life all Alone. We can only find out sufficiency in God.



When times are really tough and things aren’t going our way, that’s when we find it the most difficult to trust in God.
We doubt that God is going to come through for us,this is when we lack faith in His promises, and we worry ourselves with endless thoughts about our nearest future.
The problem is that this is the exact opposite of how God wants us to react to the seemingly difficult circumstances in our lives.

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I'll be telling us about 3 Steps to Trusting God More in Your Life
You might be surprised to learn today that our trust is like a muscle that you have.
The more that you exercise it,well, the more that it grows and that it is strengthened. So how can you strengthen your "trust muscle?"
well Here are a few exercises:
1. Surrender yourself and all of your troubles to God.
When you realize that there’s a supernatural strength available to you from above, then your perspective on life will change drastically.
Let Him be the Master of you and of everything in your entire life.
Once you stop trying to do things in your own human strength,then God will take over and lift you to new greater heights.

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2. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
Your mind thoughts are extremely powerful and they can affect things like your mood, your attitude, and yes, even your actions.
You can do this by committing to memory a favorite scripture of yours. For example:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3 : 5 - 6


3. Ask God to give you patience.
It’s a fact that God will come through for you at just the right moment in time He’ll never fail you. Never!. You’ll need to stay in prayer during this time though, because your faith will be tested.
During your trial, ask almighty God to give you patience and to help you trust that He knows what’s best for you.
I hope we all keep our trusts in God almighty and truely submit to him!.


Our service to God needs to be one that is done wholeheartedly. God is a selfish God, he would not want his praises to be given to other gods or graven images. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your contribution.

When things aren't going our way in life, that should be the time we should all submit entirely to God and trust in him. This is the best time as christians to show that we really love our God.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Trials are meant to test our trust and faith in God, faith and trust are like muscles the more you use them the stronger they become.

During difficult times, Pray to God and ask for his guidance.

Amazing, for total consecration and service to God, we must surrender ourselves whole hearthedly to him.
We can't serve two masters at once, and that's why God told the Israelites that they can never have another God Except him.
That's why we must serve God in totality.

Submission to God is saying i trust in you, lead me were you want, take control of my life and decisions.

We doubt that God is going to come through for us,this is when we lack faith in His promises, and we worry ourselves with endless thoughts about our nearest future.

"Let Him be the Master of you and of everything in your entire life.
Once you stop trying to do things in your own human strength,then God will take over and lift you to new greater heights"
I agree let us be submissive to our Lord for we shall enter his kingdom through submission.

It's never easy to let go of your self will you submit to God's will. But God is always faithful. If you submit all to Him, you can never regret it

Thanks for sharing this with us, God is expecting all of us as His children to worship Him that way. One of the benefits that worshiping God has offered us is that it gives us the opportunity to focus entirely on whom God is and what He is able to do instead of allowing the severity of life’s issues to hold our thinking hostage.

When you accept the living God in your life remember to give your whole life and everything you have to him.
Trust in him is also a very important step to take .
Make plans to always trust him.
God has never forsaken his people even in the bible when the people of Israel were been maltreated by the people of Israel he was there for them and he actually saved them through their faith in him and trust in his servant moses

Submission to God is very necessary for growth in your ministry.