in #steemchurch5 years ago


There are many ways God speaks to a man. Mine may be different from yours, but if you open your ears, eyes and your heart, certainly, you can't miss it when He speaks.

Some times, you can hear God speak when you read His word (the holy Bible), when the pastor preaches, or when there is a ministration in songs. He can even relate with a man in the dream, or better still, He calls out loud on your name to speak with you maybe, while you are on your knees at a point of prayers . Often times, there is that still small voice that ministers within a man concerning a particular thing or event. It is the understanding and the discernment of how God works, that helps a man to know when God speaks, and not only to know, but act to accordingly.

I am sharing a testimony today on how God delivered me from loss.
Last night, I decided to visit my barber for a clean shave. After the haircuts, I made my way home. I live a bit far from my barber, so I resorted to using public transport (tricycle). Quite unlike me, I just stood there on the road doing nothing as if I didn't have where to go. It sometimes occurred that most of the drivers were not going my way, or they just didn't want to pick me. So I resolved within me that any tricycle rider that stops by himself, I'll go with him. After about ten minutes of time wastage on the roadside without aim, this guy drove and stopped. I made my way in, and this other guy on ground, good looking, well dressed, also joined me, and our movement started. At the final bus stop, I alighted and paid the fare. As I was about to make my way from the driver, I was signalled by this co-passenger. I turned my eyes and behold, I left my costly phone on the seat as he pointed it to me.

I didn't know how to appreciate or thank him for the kind gesture, but I tried.

I know how insecure my environment is, that was a typical situation of forgetfulness that some criminals are longing for, so as to capitalize on that and hit their targets. But here is a man that God touched his heart to do the right thing.

When I sat on my own to ponder why I didn't lose that phone that night, one thing struck my mind, that it was God who spoke to me to board a tricycle that would stop by itself. Whereas, if I had tried rushing to meet up with the previous tricycles, that phone would still have fallen on the seat and the next passenger wouldn't have acted like that friend from nowhere. I was taken to a save hands, and my tears had to be that of joy. This can only be God.

How do you respond when God speaks or try to speak to you?
Mine comes by that inner conviction that I shouldn't be doing this or that at this particular time. And if I fail to heed to that little voice, I will end up paying so dearly for it.

To get connected to God so as to hear him when he speaks, and also act with regards to that, open up your eyes, ears, and your heart wherever you find yourself.

He speaks anywhere, anytime!


Hi @mcchummy

Thank God you got an honest man to return your phone. The world needs honest people who are as true as our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Great testimony. Thank God the loss was averted.