in #steemchurch5 years ago


Four Major Factors That Bring Awakening:

1. Inner Realization:

Realization is the awareness gotten by someone about situations and facts in their real, actual and concrete sense. It is coming to agreement with the current or present happenings around you, hence, calling for immediate or delayed action.
Inner realization is that personal conviction in one's life about a situation which helps one to take a personally controlled decision for change.

“When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! Luke 15:17. [NIV]

The passage here is talking about the prodigal son in one of the parables of Jesus Christ to his disciples. After passing through those difficult and challenging times, the boy came to the realization of himself that he was actually the son of a rich man, whom, because of ignorance and the pleasure of life, had mistakenly chosen the path of destruction.

Today, the experiences we are having are facilitated by our ability to come to the early realization of ourselves, or the lack of it.
When there is that inner realization of dryness, there will be a passion for search for water. The prodigal son was struck in his thought that he doesn't belong to the group of pigs. He urgently moved out to his father.

In a situation that you are struggling to survive, and at some points get confused and without peace of mind, the first factor that can help move you out for awakening is inner realization of yourself by yourself. Your inner realization will give inner realization to others as well.

2. Inward Determination For a Change.

I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants. Luke 15:18-19. [NIV]

With inward determination, you don't need anyone to encourage you. You encourage yourself to make a difference. Great men are great because of inward determination to be great, not by what they are told. Determination keeps you focused. When you are determined, it means you are destined for greatness.

A determined life provokes an invisible hand to support his decision. Determination is the live wire of your next level. Your future depends solely on it, and you can set right your future by today's determination.

3. Taking the Action of Faith.

So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20. [NIV]

There is nothing as powerful as that simple act of faith. The prodigal son did not just sit back procrastinating. After realizing his state, he determined to change that state by taking a bold step to go back home to meet his father. Not knowing how the father would feel, that did not bother him, he only needed to apologize. But what came as a surprise was the kind of reception the father organized for him.

God is ever ready to receive any soul that seeks to meet with Him notwithstanding how far you had been from Him. He treasures a soul that is identifying with the family(His kingdom). Faith does not postpone actions. Believe God for that project, healing, breakthrough and soul salvation and then, take yourself out for actions.

4. Agonizing Prayers With Loud Cry:

This is the torment of the soul. Here, someone is trying to bring the soul into God's purpose and divine will. It is a process of giving birth to God's will through pains.
Fasting and prayers are the ways to fast track the awakening of one's soul and spirit.

Realize your position in God and in life today, determine to make a positive difference and put your faith in God to work, then you will be surprise how near your breakthrough, salvation and awakening are.

Stay Blessed!


I don't see that as biblical. Jesus said that no man can come to the Father unless the Father draws him.

@Mcchummy, thank you for sharing this deep write to #steemchurch.
We must all come to the point where we realize ourselves and be on the readiness to move in the direction towards God.

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Stay blessed.