Where media and social networks have played a leading role, with multiple messages and information that are constantly updated, it does not stop generating information that manages to confuse society, especially young people, victims of consumerism, inciting them towards self-centeredness, arrogance and envy, characteristic of the vain.

People who have the ambition to earn money, success, where, unfortunately, they think that having money, a high-level position in a company, dressing in the latest fashion, the best shoes, makes them better people, some feel they have the right to humiliate and mistreat others because they believe they are very small, or that they should be subject to their orders.
Those who envy what the other reached, for having a bigger and better cell phone than the person who claims to be a friend.
People who lack the minimum humility, some come to narcissism want to have eternal youth or are not satisfied as God created them and come to pay a lot of money to change their traits or physical appearance and to do infinite things to become the only or the best.
Nothing empathic with their like, hurt and cause harm, with or without intention by their way of expressing themselves of those who believe less.
That is why we Christians pray every day so that it will be sooner rather than later, so that people who act under these beliefs will come out of that spiritual blindness and realize that human beings have other attributes that make them beautiful and humble before the presence of God, that all those caprices entailed by vanity can contribute; and one of those the main one is to have a clean and regenerated heart by the grace of God, because he will forgive his past and lead them to a new life. God is the truth and the truth makes us free, that is the true beauty, the one that does not end, because God has placed it in our life.

The true condition of all human life on earth, without God, can be summed up in one word, VANITY. King Solomon had everything he wanted, including wisdom, riches, etc. - but when he carefully analyzed and considered human life and the existence of man, he concluded that everything is vanity of vanities (Ec 1: 2-11). All things in human life are vanity - they are like chasing shadows or going after the wind. Human life itself is brief, ephemeral, short and full of work and pain. The strongest among us last up to 80-90 years, but most end their journey in the 70s. If someone lives on earth, even up to 90 and lives without God it will be filled only with work and pain - and the years will be they will fly by!