The son of God "JESUS CHRIST"

in #steemchurch5 years ago

He is the Prince of Peace, wonderful lord, strong God, Eternal Father, Lamb of God, Lord, Word, Word of God, First and Last, Savior of Humanity, and many other names and titles. Who is this?


Some believe in Him, and others deny Him. Many say that He existed, others that He exists to this day, and some say that He is a myth. But what is He? Will it really be the Messiah? Will it be the Son of God? Does it exist or does it not exist? There are many questions, but is there not an answer? Of course it exists! Read below and make your own conclusions.

I Timothy 2: 5-6 -> There is only one God and only one person who unites God with human beings - the human being Jesus Christ, who gave his life for all human beings free from their sins. This was the test, given at the right time, that God wants everyone to be saved. (NTLH version)

Jesus is not from here on earth, you can be sure of it. He came from God, the Father, and came to us with a purpose, to save us.

In John the "beginning" of Jesus is expressed (although it has no beginning or end). See only:

John 1: 1-5 -> In the beginning that which is the Word already existed. He was with God and was God. From the beginning, the Word was with God. Through the word, God made all things, and nothing that exists was made without it. The word was the source of life, and that life brought light to all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not be erased. (NTLH version)

We can see then five affirmations about him. Jesus already existed before all, He was already with God, Jesus is God, through him, God made all things. It brings light to all people.

The beginning of everything is in him. The creation of the angels, humans and everything that exists more there are living beings or not (earth, air, stars, etc.). He is the Creator of everything. God the Father gave this power to Him. He created you and me, from the beginning He loves us.

(Gn 1: 1 / Gn 2: 1), and with their own hands we created ourselves, humans, not in any way, but we molded ourselves with their fingers and we made people His image and likeness (Gen. 1: 26-27), being himself the one and only Life.

He was, is and always will be with God. This does not mean to be in any place or in any way, but it is always to the right of God, on a high and sublime throne, full of Glory, and always receiving praise and adoration, worthy of a King, which is, But even more than that, worthy of a God.

He is a God. God is one, but at the same time it is three. It is formed by father, son and holy spirit. Therefore, Jesus is God too. He is the Son. But, do not think that there are three gods, there is only one that acts in three different people but united by one single love.


Jesus has life, He is life (John 11:25). The only true life

Thank you for reading, join me in prayer for the good causes of life.

Blessings for the Steem Church


Beautiful message sister K! Without a doubt, Jesus in the hope of humanity, is a wonderful subject to share with family and friends.

