(Jesus Christ) himself carried our sins in his body on the tree (of the cross).
1 Peter 2:24

When reading this word we should not give an account of the wonderful work that God did, so that today we can enjoy a beautiful salvation.
Every believer can say with joy and conviction: Jesus Christ carried my sins on the cross. What richness there is in these few words!
He himself carried out the atoning work. He suffered the judgment of the just and holy God, the punishment that our faults deserved. No one, no angel, no man could accomplish this work, except the Son of God made man.
He bore our sins on the cross. The Lord Jesus did not die for an idea or a doctrine. No, he gave his life for us! Each one of our bad actions, our bad thoughts, foolish words, etc., all fell on that divine Substitute. He took upon himself, in our place, our detours, our crimes and their consequences before God.
He carried them in his body. Only because he was a man could he suffer and die for men. God made fall on him, as if he were guilty, the punishment we deserved.
The expression on the wood refers to the cross where, for three dark hours, suffered the punishment we deserved. His perfect life could not save us, but the fact that "Christ died for our sins" (1 Corinthians 15: 3).
He bore our sins. What a load fell on him! How terrible was the abandonment of his God when Christ endured the punishment due to our offenses! Upon this perfect work rest the security of our salvation, peace for our conscience and the promises of blessing from our God.

Today is not given the value to this act that I am sure that nobody but God could perform, analyzing this I was put to think, how great was the love of God for our lives that no matter what could suffer In that place, not even the time I would be there, he was able to put his life on that tree for you and me.
This redeeming work of our God deserves to be valued by us believers, and to live a life according to him.
Christ was mistreated and crucified as a sacrifice for our sins, and through his wound, our illnesses heal.
The fruits of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ are the death of sin, and a new holy life for all who believe.
We must bear in mind that the suffering that our God had never compared with ours, because we have never had to pay the price of all humanity or carry it in our body.
He had physical suffering that were more tolerable than the spiritual suffering he carried for us.
Many times we say "by his stripes we have been healed", but do we really understand what this means for God?
This is why today I think that not everyone understands this and we live a life according to our desires. If we really knew the true value that this had, not that of dying on the cross but of burdening our sins, I think we would live a life more attached to God and full of obedience and gratitude eternally.
Jesus Christ, "having purged our sins through himself, sat down at the right hand of Majesty" (Hebrews 1: 3).
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