The way to follow the path
Imagine our lives as a long way to go. We are the ones who choose in which way we want to walk. It can be a road full of darkness, an objective that has no safe place to go, or a road where you have guaranteed help and support at the precise moment you need and where you undoubtedly have a reliable place to go. And you that is what we all want, a path that floods us with tranquility.
On our way we will always find bad people who want to deviate from our goals and objectives, people who want to ruin us with hostile comments and unconstructive criticism. And there will be many who will want to be our friends only to use us and corrupt our minds and hearts. Our ability to react to these people and situations depends on our bases and foundations that we have as people.
How do we find these bases?
In the Bible, we have to find ourselves as we should live a life worthy and acceptable in the eyes of God. When we record the word of God in our minds and in our hearts, there is no one in this world that we can separate from his great love and that you can see our vision and our goal in him. Our path of Christians is not rosy, often it gets dark and filled with uncertainty and has many stones ready to make us fall. We also have the opportunity to find the best places to go to our country or go for the account. You must know that God puts up barriers to help us that no one attacks us and so that we do not stray, but also sometimes allows us to fall and stumble to know when it is what we have and see if we really trust him. He always prepares us on the road so that later we do not make the same mistake. The most important thing is that he has no problems with Jesus, who is at our side to help us, advise us, comfort us and get up. He is the path that leads us to light, to eternal life and to the father.
God guides us
No matter how ugly the path you are going through today is, cry out to God for help and accept Jesus' help. If you have strayed from your path and can not see the light, God will give you instructions through the Holy Spirit so that you can return to the path of truth, just let yourself be guided. Do not believe in what others say about you, believe in what God thinks of you, that you are someone unique and special that he loves so much that he sent his son to die for you. If that is not love then the concept of love does not exist. Do not make bad friends in the way that makes you turn away from God. The way we walk is not easy, but neither is it impossible to walk if we let God be the one to guide us.
The Lord Himself will march in front of you and be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be discouraged or discouraged. Deuteronomy 31: 8
Our path has a destiny and we must know how to take it, God is always in front of us so let's trust him and gloriemolos with good deeds, following in his footsteps.