God is the light that guides our lives - STEEMCHURCH
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Let the Word of God guide our steps
"Your word is a lamp for my foot, and a light for my path" (PSALM 119: 105).
Man has spent thousands of years tracing his own course in life without divine help. But without it, imperfect human beings are totally lost: they are unable to find the way to true peace and happiness. Why? More than two thousand five hundred years ago, the prophet Jeremiah declared: "It does not belong to the man who is walking even to direct his step" (Jeremiah 10:23). Everyone who tries to direct their own steps without accepting the help of a qualified person is doomed to failure. It is clear, then, that humanity needs guidance
Jehovah God is the most qualified person in the universe to give us the guidance we need. For what reason? Because he knows us better than anyone. Not only does he know very well how human beings went astray, but also what they need to get back on track. In addition, Jehovah is our Creator, so he always knows what benefits us the most. Therefore, we can have full confidence in the divine promise we read in Psalm 32: 8: "I will make you have insight, and I will instruct you in the way you should go. I will certainly give advice with my eye on you. " There is no doubt: the guidance of God is the best.
How does God guide us?
A psalmist expressed the following in a prayer to God: "Your word is a lamp for my foot, and a light for my path. The declarations and reminders of God are found in the Bible and help us overcome obstacles that may arise in our path. When we read the Bible and let ourselves be guided by it, the words of Isaiah 30:21 are fulfilled in us: "Your own ears will hear a word behind you that says: 'This is the way. Walk in the
But note that Psalm 119: 105 indicates that the Word of God fulfills two related functions. First of all, it is a lamp for our foot. If, when faced with the problems of daily life, we let the biblical principles guide our steps, we will make prudent decisions and avoid the pitfalls and dangers of this world. Second, the reminders of God illuminate our path; they help us to choose options that are in harmony with our hope to live forever in the Paradise that God has promised. Being well lit the path that extends before us, we can discern if the consequences of a certain procedure will be good or bad

A lamp for my feet
Every day we make decisions. Some are of little importance, at least to the naked eye, but sometimes we face situations that test our moral purity, honesty and neutrality. In order to overcome them successfully, we must have the trained perceptive faculties to distinguish both right and wrong. By acquiring accurate knowledge of the Word of God and increasing our understanding of its principles, we educate our conscience to make decisions that please God.
Think of the example of Jesus, who became attached to human beings from the moment they were created. When he was on Earth, he forged a close relationship with his disciples. He even "felt love" for a man who had erroneous religious ideas (Mark 10: 17-22). But Jesus also established clear limits in choosing his friends, for he did not establish any close relationship with anyone who was not sincerely interested in doing the will of his Father. In fact, on one occasion he said: "You are my friends if you do what I command"

A light for my path
In Psalm 119: 105 it is also pointed out that the sayings of God illuminate our path, that is, the path that extends before us. We are not blind about the future, because the Bible explains the meaning of the harsh world conditions and how they will end. In effect, we realize that we live in "the last days" of this evil system of things (2 Timothy 3: 1-5). Knowing what the future holds must have a profound influence on how we live in the present. The apostle Peter wrote: Since all these things are to be dissolved, what kind of persons must you be in holy acts of conduct and acts of godly devotion, waiting and bearing in mind the presence of the day of God
Our way of thinking and living must reflect that we are convinced that the world is passing, and also their desire. Biblical advice will help us to decide wisely what goals we are going to set ourselves. For example, Jesus declared: "Go on, then, seeking first the kingdom and the righteousness of God, and all these other things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). The numerous young people who demonstrate their confidence in these words by undertaking full-time ministry are praiseworthy.