The importance of having Intimacy with God
It is a very important issue in the life of every Christian, many times we miss the promises that God said he would make in us, and it is the moment where doubt and disbelief make sense in our day to day, thus achieving Our intimacy with God will go away in a very fast way allowing our spiritual life to have a rather critical decay.
But intimacy with God is so important that he would describe it as oxygen in order to resist the attacks of the enemy. But intimacy is not achieved as easily as people believe, it is something you must feel and long for, in order to feel loved and loved.
Song of Songs 3: 1
At night I searched my bed for the one who loves my soul, I searched for it and I did not find it.

The reason why many believers today turn away from the Lord, is because what happened to the Shulamite of the book of singing of songs happened to her, they neglected the love for her beloved and had turned away from her. When we let our secular life dominate our time it is very likely that your intimacy with God will be neglected, and when you neglect it, you will be prone to let your beloved be apart from you without notifying you.
In our life there must be concern when we give up in prayer, since it is the oxygen that gives life in this journey. We see that this woman did not stay in her comfort zone, she went out to look for him but how strong is to find him again.

Song of Songs 3: 2
I will rise now, and surround the city; Through the streets and through the squares I will look for the one who loves my soul, Seek it, and I did not find it.
When we lose that first love towards God, it is very difficult to obtain it again, we find it hard to find it, but the attitude of this woman strengthens us to go out and look for it, before you should evaluate what was your last intimacy with God? Where you left it?. After you answer these two questions, it is that moment where your level of search for God begins again to be right.
Trips will never cease to exist, it is therefore that you should be aware as soon as possible that God is longing to be intimate with you, not only for you to love him but for you to feel loved by Him. The important thing of this walk is not to give up, remember that the Jesus said: "In the world you have afflictions, but trust I have overcome the world" because we are with enough capacity to overcome every obstacle that arises in our search towards God.

Song of Songs 3: 4-5
Passing from them a little, I then found the one that my soul loves: I tried it, and I did not leave it, Until I put it in my mother's house, And in the chamber of the one that begot me.
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the bands and by the hinds of the field, That you do not wake up nor make watch over love, Until it wants.
I am completely sure that when you have found intimacy with God, you will not want to let her go again, take the advice that the Shulamite gives us, let us not watch the love of God, we know that it is inexhaustible but if you are prone to depart from our life, as long as you and I let it go.
We thank God very much for his Holy Spirit, which to this day keeps us from stoking to maintain that fire of love towards God, definitely without Him it is totally impossible to advance in this life.

Jesus wanted to be in intimacy with his disciples. He wanted to have that personal and private time with them.
Today Jesus wants to be with us. We are not only his disciples, we are children of the Father. He wants to reveal himself to our lives, wants to bless us and to know him better.