in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

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Genesis 37:19

"And they said to one another,behold this dreamer cometh".

Envy and jealousy are works of the flesh,they comes hand in hand,The word "jealousy" means a suspicious fear to loose something it denote a sentiment that other have gained something more than you. While "envy' means to see against or look at something in a ill manner,envy denotes a longing to take whats another person has possess or what another person has.

Its normal when we human wish to be like others that's not wrong at all but when we start to wish or desire what they have that's where jealousy comes to play.

Jealousy and envy is evil,it could create an avenue of separation from God,it could lead to destruction a jealousy minded person can easily plan a gang up to eliminate another.

Irrespective of who you are or what you have always be contented,do not allow the thought of envy and jealousy to flood your heart,don't try to be what you can't be. Guild your mind with the word of God.

Be yourself,be real and be original.

God bless us all.