STEEMCHURCH | The Language - Deadly weapon
I thank our great leader @sirknight for creating this beautiful community and our brothers @sniffnscurry for the support they give us No one is as helpless as the victims of a slander. The attack is hidden; unexpected and unsuspected, therefore, makes these poor people fall before the claws of their enemy with the innocence of babies. Just as babies do not expect attacks from anyone, neither do the victims of a lifter of false testimony expect anything bad from their friend or acquaintance; There is an established element of trust that makes everything happen according to the plans drawn by this false and hypocritical character. The slanderer only has to use his cunning so that the people involved in his attack do not realize that they are being massacred. There will always be two victims, one to whom the slander is raised and another who receives the lie as truth. In its mission, it has a strategy to follow to achieve total separation between the victims. First, see who the person wants to destroy because they feel it is a threat to their interests. Second, he assures himself that the person he wants to retain to achieve his goals, through an appearance of loyalty and fidelity, does not realize the deception to which he is going to be subjected. Third, he is assured with flattery, apparent sweetness and promises of friendship and justice, that his opponent does not suspect his evil strategy with which he wants to see him far from his real motive of interest. Fourth, already in full attack, begins to use his deadly weapon left and right, with accurate and well directed deceptions translated into words, gossip, stories and slander that give so much pain to the listener, which makes it, begin to hate the that before heart I appreciated; and the slandered one comments on the feelings of anger, resentment and hatred that exist ... for which he assumes that everything is lost. It seems that everything ends in triumph for evil, when the slanders are heard and believed; and sometimes it may be that the trust between the two is never restored. It is pain and hurt pride, accompanied with anger and resentment in the person who gives ear to the liar, which motivates the end of friendship and trust that existed before among the victims. How can a calumniate be defended, if the person who feels offended does not believe in him, but believes everything that the owner of such a well-directed mortal weapon tells him? Wounded pride, broken trusts ... inability to love ... In the slandered, pride can also act against you, because, you can come to think that if a person does not believe you is because there was never really a real friendship and trust; There may be some truth in that assertion, but the important thing is that we must not forget that the victims are two; and that all without exception we are fallen human beings; that nobody is perfect; that anger, which is a sin if we do not take it out of our hearts "before nightfall", leads us to tremendously unjust acts and most importantly, we must never forget, whatever happens, we must respond to this situation and all, however disastrous they may seem, in a way that pleases God, Christian and biblical. The destruction could be irreparable ... At best, the owner of this deadly weapon feels victorious and secure with the trophy acquired. Kill friendships, kill trusts, kill joys, kill credibility, kill naivety, kill self-confidence. It manages to keep the enemy away forever. He should no longer fear sharing anything ... everything remains under his possession, as a war booty. His deadly weapon has triumphed, his evil has made situations as he wishes ... Irreparable damage ... well, never again will relationships and feelings be the same as before so much infamy ... The phrases said among the victims throughout this process can not be collected. The alleged offended, said so many hurtful words in their pain and proudly injured against the person being slandered, that they are marked with blood in the heart of the latter. Nothing is the same again.
The desired objective is achieved.
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we come to an important point where we want to know what God thinks
What does God say about all these people who use such a deadly weapon?
He who rejoices in evil will be condemned,
and the one who brings and brings gossip and stories is meaningless, Prov 19: 5
Do not spread the slander, and so no one will insult you.
It is better to fall on the ground than to fall on the tongue. The fall of the wicked comes hastily. "Prov 20:19
"Have you heard anything? Well, be buried in you, and do not fear,
it will not make you burst "Prov 19:10
The aim of the deceiver is dishonor, and always carries its dishonor.
What does God say we have to do to such people?
Who is the one who does not sin with the tongue?
We all sin with the tongue, that is, that all the verses we have to read as written for ourselves.
Do you find it hard to think that we are all sinners with this deadly weapon that is the tongue?
God protect us and reveal to us the harm we do to our neighbor when we speak of him lightly.
Let's not minimize our sin by highlighting that of the other.
"There is not one righteous one" said the Lord ...
If they slandered you and talked to the person who felt offended by you, and do not believe you ... do not do anything ... and tell God to take care of her in love.
You, only in love forgive, as God forgives you, the slanderer, and the unfortunate who believed him ... all in love ...
Never forget that there are two victims.
Leave everything in the hands of the Lord ...
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to keep us with our eyes wide open, and the sensitive spirit to avoid falling into such an infamous sin ...
"lest you also fall"
All things turn out well,
to those who love the Lord.

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