
in #steemchurch7 years ago

In these last days in Venezuela the need has become incessant such is the point that people, begin to look for food in the trash, ask in the shopping centers and even get to steal to eat, likewise the looting becomes violent between so many more things.

Particularly I am very surprised if people look for food in the garbage, because even though we are a rich country in all respects it has not been well managed, however, not everything is bad.

The bible says in:
Matthew 25: 35-46

35 For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you picked me up;
36 I was naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; in prison, and you came to me.
37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you, or thirsty, and gave you drink?
38 And when did we see you a stranger, and we picked you up, or naked, and we covered you?
39 Or when did we see you sick, or in prison, and come to you?
40 And the King will answer and say to them, "Truly, I say to you, as soon as you did it to one of these my younger brothers, you did it to me.

"It can be denoted that in these times Jesus Christ will come and in such a way that he will seek an integral and
full of his Spirit to such an extent that he is capable of helping his neighbor. If you look at verse 35 and 36, it
refers to scarcity, which is not a secret in our country, but are needs that God allows so that in
crisis time you can help the needy, for example if we see a person who is asking for food in
somewhere in your country, just imagine how many days you have not eaten or think how you could be treated in a
similar situation, also think how you can help them without expecting anything in return. From experience I have
helped because if God blesses me it is so that I can bless others, not everything is for me alone, today you have
you do not know if tomorrow you will have. "

"We must bear in mind that every help we give to our neighbor is pleasing to God as well as
it is denoted in verse 40, because you did it to my younger brothers, you also did it to me,
means that every time you help a person you do it to God, remember that we are made to his
image and likeness ".

Remember Blessing I will bless you, every time you bless a person God will bless you more than you
Can you imagine.