in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings to you all, am using this medium to welcome you all to my blog today. What am going to talk about today is DISOBEDIENCE, and people who disobeyed God in the Bible, May you be blessed as you read...


Every sin is the outworking of DISOBEDIENCE. For exam pls, pride is a son, because God commanded us to be humble... Adultery is a sin because God commanded us not to commit adultery, and also, God commander us to evangelise,so failure to evangelise, is also a sin... Now this leads us to the meaning of DISOBEDIENCE
IMG_20180720_163051.jpgDISOBEDIENCE means now compliance, failure to one rule and regulations, or refusal to follow instructions and it also means act of committing sin.. Those who disobeyed God in the Bible

  1. Adam and eve disobeyed God by not following the instructions he gave them, he told them not to eat the fobbiden fruit, but they did and they face the consequences.
    1 God sent them out of the garden of eden
    2 They where caused...

2 ISREALITES they also disobeyed God by serving other gods so their Consequences was that their days in they wilderness was increased..

3 KING David also was one of them, we disobeyed God by sleeping with his servant wife, Barchebar.... Consequences, God said sword wont leave his home for life.....

Half disobedience

There is no Half message with God. You are Either for him, or against him, thats why half-obedience as being worse than disobedience. Those who opened half heartedly in the Bible..

  1. Abraham, he disobeyed halfly because God Instructed him to speak to the rock and water will come out, but he strucked it instead and his Consequences was that he didn't get to the promise land....

2 Ananias and sepphira the Sold their property has Instructed, but they didn't submit the whole money, and they lied... Consequences they died immediately..

Penalties for being disobedient
1 Curses from God
2 Fear and shame
3 Death...
REWARD for obedience
Long life
Inheritance of his kindly.... Thanks as you read... Shout out to @sirmiraculous