in #steemchurch6 years ago

God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile. ”

In my last two episodes on this topic, I talked about how difficult the life of a Christian can be. I elaborated on two key aspects of the Christian's life.

We have seen from our previous lessons that Paul did three things in his life as a Christian.

  1. He fought a good fight.
  2. He finished the race.
  3. He remained faithful.

Today, we will be discussing the third aspect of this topic, and that is remaining faithful to the end.



As we fight and run the race in the Christian life, one thing that qualifies these two things in our life is Faithfulness.

God needs faithful people and as Christians, we must develop that character andportray the act of faithfulness even at the point of death.

Paul didn't just fight, but he was faithful in the battles that he was fighting in. In his struggles and difficulties, he tried to be faithful. He was faithful to the Christian course.

Jesus congratulated the servants who did the good works of their master by saying;

"The master said, Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together".
Matt 25:23

We shall consider three meanings of faithful.

A. Loyalty.
B. Conscientious.
C. Binding.

Been faithful means you are loyal. Thus, steadfast in affection or allegiance.
Paul was steadfast in his walk with God. He was never discouraged during the bad times. He did his ministry work to his full potential. He was truthful to God in all circumstances.

Today, most Christians are truthful when the times are good but when things are bad, they try to use foul means to marnuvar their way through.

For example, how many of Christians today are faithful to God in tithe paying?
But just as we want our spouse and friends to be faithful to us, God also expects his children to be faithful to Him.

Some Christians cheat their colleagues when competing with them but Paul never did that because that is unfaithfulness.

God wants us to be faithful, loyal and truthful in all our dealings with him and our fellow human beings.

Secondly, been faithful also means conscientious. This implies firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty.

How firm we are in our responbilities to our Christian faith speaks of our faithfulness to God.

God measures our faithfulness in every aspect of our life.

Finally, to be faithful is to be bind or given with strong assurance.
We made assurance to God to obey his commands and this is binding to every Christian.

Just as our salvation was binding to Jesus Christ, that is how our faithfulness to God is binding.

The crown of glory that lies ahead of us in heaven is reserved for those who remain faithful in their life.




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Without faith, we can never please God

Our faithfulness as Christians defines our right of sonship of God

May the good Lord help us to be faithful in our Christian life.. Amen

God needs us to be unwavering, steadfast and honest in the entirety of our dealings with Him and our kindred people since He's constantly dedicated to us.