in #steemchurch6 years ago

1 Peter. 2:9
KJV:But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Many Christians are confused in their Christan life because they do not know who they are that's why they go back to Sin, the same sin which they forsake. All these is as the result of not knowing the meaning of who they are.

According to the vocal verse the Bible make us to understand that we are a chosen generation, a generation set aside for God, a royal priesthood, you are Princes and princesses since your father is the king (Jesus), a holy nation, peculiar people, knowing this why are you still confused, and going back to the old ways.

You have the same power to do greater works just as your father (Jesus) if only you believed and know the meaning of who you are. (John 14 Vs 12)

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Without knowing the meaning of who you are, you will be mislead or go astray from the presence of God.
Which will affect your life negatively and you will be a confused person.

I pray God should help us to know the meaning of who we are so that we will not go astray or be confused in life.

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If you’re European and Christian... it’s easy to be confused... let me help you Christian is desert religion. Not yours. Your ancestors were non Christian for 150,000+ years. That’s why you are confused. Go back to your roots. Leave the God of Abraham with his people on the middle east

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