The first thing our father contains is, as we have seen, the genuine relationship with God: Based on trust and love, an intimate relationship between father and children, children of God.
Jesus teaches us to pray, when we say our father is to say my father. But when we use the expression Our Father, we are telling God to take us out of the dark loneliness. Our word is a word of love towards the Father. He who invokes God as a father must know that he is incorporated into the family of God. He must know that he has many brothers and that he is walking in the direction of God. This gladdens the way and lightly loads this prayer of father our help to man to overcome every barrier that distances him from his neighbor.
Our father is a source capable of bringing us closer to God. God is not part of the earth He is different. Our heavenly Father, the God of heaven from heaven who can not contain (1 KINGS 8:27) We pray to our father who is in heaven. This heaven and this world that is of God. It seems a simple prayer but full of power, since we can approach God as a father, and focus our hearts on loving him first. It is a prayer that makes it clear that God commands us to forgive those who offend us, only God has the power to strengthen us.