steemchurch: Changes that heal
In our prayers and prayers we usually say: My God, take care of me, help me, grant me, encourage me, strengthen me, prosper me, me, me, me ... We look like pedigree sheep. That is not bad, in fact it is good to depend on the Lord. But what are you willing to do or not do to please God? What are your spiritual sacrifices to honor Jesus Christ?

Many Christians struggle with bad thoughts, with sins that have become habits and negative behavior patterns that control them. It is what the bible calls "the old nature." This happens because their minds are programmed to live apart from God. Perhaps, you have tried to eradicate a bad habit or you have made an effort to fulfill the will of God in certain circumstances, but as you have not been successful, you believe that obeying God is something very difficult and even impossible. I have good news: if we can change! Jesus sent the holy spirit so that we can achieve it. The life of Christ in us produces the desire and power for us to do what God likes. The goal of the believer is to reach "the unity of faith and full knowledge of the child of God, to the condition of a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13).

Just as parents make stripes on the wall to measure the stature of their little ones, God continually measures our spiritual growth. How much have you grown spiritually since you walk with Jesus? Do people who know you see any trait of Christ in you? In these years walking with the Lord I understood that he wants to see transformations in the lives of his children. As the best of the parents, he has the desire to see us walk in his purpose so that we can be well and prosper in all things. For this it is absolutely necessary that we learn to live in a continuous repentance or transformation of our mind. To measures that we renew the way of thinking, we will change the past way of living.

We must stop being passive Christians, with few victories, and take the decision to give up definitively the negative habits, the harmful emotions, the bad words, the vices and the sinful amusements. We can achieve this if, through love and fidelity to Jesus Christ, we submit ourselves to the will of God. For this it is indispensable to read the sacred Scriptures, to remain in communion with the holy spirit and to be a dissipate of Christ.
The changes must be slow and progressive so that they become habits. You have to be very clear what you are willing to give up for love of the Lord. For example, the habit of smoking, getting drunk, saying rudeness, swearing, gossiping, lying, screaming. If you are a person prone to anger, and you know that this condition is a two-way street where you harm others and yourself, transform that bad attitude. Stay in a state of awareness of your emotions so that controls immediately. Take a breath before exploding in anger, think of those seconds that Christ lives in you and you in Christ. Shut up, stand back and pray. So with some practice, you will be able to transform a bad attitude into a habit of tolerance to live in a state of peace and harmony.

There are changes that heal, that grant freedom and fullness, only you know what you must renounce to make way for the new life in Christ.
"Get rid of your old sinful nature and your old way of life, which is corrupted by sensuality and deception, but let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes." Put on the new nature, created to be a the likeness of God, who is truly righteous and holy