Walking in the middle of the sea.

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Most of us expect miracles from God in our life, our family or in people we cherish. I am sure that a large part of those who now read me have a request for those that we believe are almost impossible and that it is only in the hands of God to fulfill it.
And sometimes we want God to do all the work, without realizing that sometimes, God will provide the means to carry out that miracle we hope for, but it will be up to us to take the necessary steps so that this miracle can be realized.
And it is that the courage and faith that we show will be of great help to see what was impossible for us to see.

When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, shortly after Pharaoh sent his army after them to bring them back as slaves. When the Israelites saw that the Egyptian army was approaching, they began to complain against Moses telling him why he had brought them, that it was better to be slaves in Egypt than corpses in the desert.

However God always has a wonderful plan, He never moves a piece if he does not know everything that can happen and how to solve it.

God gave instructions to Moses:

"Then the Lord said to Moses:" Why do you cry to me? Tell the people to get going! Take your rod and extend your hand over the sea. Divide the waters so that the Israelites can pass through the middle of the sea, walking on dry land. I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians and they will launch themselves against the Israelites. The greatness of my glory will be manifested through Pharaoh and his army, his chariots and his drivers. When my glory is displayed through them, all Egypt will see my glory and they will know that I am the Lord! "Exodus 14: 15-18

God took care of the Israelites all the time, placing his cloud behind and not allowing the Egyptians to come near. Then when they were facing the red sea, where there was no other way to go, Moses obeyed the instructions God had given him:

"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord opened a path through the waters by a strong oriental wind. The wind blew through the night and transformed the seabed into dry land. Then the people of Israel crossed through the middle of the sea, walking on dry land, with walls of water on each side. "Exodus 14: 21-22

Until this moment in history, God was doing his part, it was a surprising miracle, something never seen before, something wonderful that could be so frightening.

Sometimes God puts our miracle fully served and the only thing that we have to do is walk by faith so that this miracle is realized, but in many occasions we do not have the intention to walk in the middle of that miracle, but we want to leave everything to God and then when we do not see our miracle fulfilled we end up blaming Him, as if He had not done his part.

It is time to walk in the middle of that sea, it is time not to allow our thoughts of disbelief to prevent us from walking by faith in the middle of those two walls of water. God already served the miracle, now it is our turn to walk with VALUE and FAITH in the middle of those two walls of water that humanly give much fear, but if that wind that stops them comes from the Lord, then: There is nothing to fear !

Walk by faith, believe God, do your part, because God will undoubtedly do his part. Today is a day for you to appropriate the miracle that God has already begun to do in your life, God is serving you the miracle, now you take courage and have faith in Him, and WALK!

God will take care of you whenever you walk in the middle of the sea!


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