in #steemchurch6 years ago


I have an admission. I extremely like romantic comedies, motion pictures in which Mr. Right meets Miss Right, they begin to look all starry eyed at, encounter an emergency that tears their relationship separated, at that point make up with a kiss.

I like these motion pictures since they address a place somewhere inside me that yearns for sentimental love. In any case, I know I will never discover add up to fulfillment regardless of whether I could encounter the sentimental love of the motion pictures since it's not the most elevated desire of humanity or the pinnacle of satisfaction. On the off chance that it were, at that point a scriptural charge to love impractically would be our most prominent calling. Rather, it's to love God generally (Matt. 22:37-40). In His adoration, we can discover satisfaction that no human can give.

Find a way to enable you to encounter a cozy love association with God


Stage One: Embrace the Truth That Intimacy With God Has No Contenders

One of my lady friends was desolate and baffled that God hadn't conveyed her most noteworthy want: a spouse. Never wedded and 40, she was burnt out on imploring and pausing and pausing and pausing, yet above all else she was persuaded that her life was by one means or another not exactly. "Being single isn't the copious life!" she expressed decidedly.

I surely related to the occasionally awful feelings of feeling like the main young lady without a date to the prom. I understood her dejection, her cries late during the evening when no one but God can hear and her zillion supplications for a man she wasn't even certain exists. Be that as it may, the nonappearance of rich life?

Our discussion sent me running for my Bible where I discovered John 10:10.

"The hoodlum comes to take, murder and demolish, however I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."

The word life hopped off the page. I needed to look into its significance. In the definition, I found the remedy for my companion's ailment of heart: God Himself is the bounteous life that both she and I look for—not association with a man. The Greek word forever is zoe (the first dialect) and means:

"life, alluding to the standard of life in the soul and the spirit. (accentuation mine). [Zoe is] all the most elevated and best that Christ is, which He provides for the Saints. The most astounding blessedness of the animal."

Life. Within me. Within you. In the soul. In the spirit. inherent. The most noteworthy gift we can have this side of paradise. Christ Himself.

The initial step to building up a private (and satisfying) love association with God is to concede that the copious life He guarantees will never be found in someone else. Rather, as the meaning of zoe (life) appears, genuine bottomless life is inward and it's found in Christ alone.

Try not to misunderstand me; God made us to encounter human love, and sentiment can add an awesome measurement to life. Be that as it may, sentimental love will never have the capacity to trump a personal love association with God. To be honest, God likes it along these lines since He doesn't need any contenders for your heart; He's desirous for your warmth (Ex. 34:14)


Stage Two: Accept That a Fulfilling Intimate Love Relationship With God is Personal

A few things with God are so individual, so close, that they can't be depicted with words, they must be felt with the heart. This is the manner by which genuine closeness with God is; we feel that nobody else can truly comprehend the extraordinary bond that we share with Him since it's through and through individual.

This depicts my association with Christ. He has helped me as I have cried, guided me, showed me, censured me, guided me and adored me. There have been times when I have suspected that my heart would overflow with feeling for Him. Who could comprehend the profundity of my association with Him yet me and my Savior? This is genuine closeness with God: when we feel that nobody else would absolutely see, regardless of whether we attempted to clarify, in light of the fact that association with God is close to home.

In the event that you haven't ever dedicated yourself to an individual association with Him, it's not laden with troublesome necessities and religious obligations. He doesn't ask that you change yourself before you submit yourself to Him; He just asks that you come as you seem to be, admit your wrongdoing to Him, perceive your need your transgressions excused and acknowledge His endowment of pardoning that He has offered to you through His passing on the cross (Matt. 27:1-66, 2 Cor. 5:21). After you have done this, you can start a deep rooted discussion with Him which is a piece of the wealth of zoe

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Stage Three: Talk With God

Similarly as cozy association with someone else requires discussion, so association with God is the same. Speaking with Him occurs through perusing the Bible (His primary method for speaking with the individuals who adore Him) and petition (a two-route discussion between you God).

When you supplicate, God isn't requesting a recipe; He doesn't need you to put on a show to be something that you are most certainly not. He doesn't need you to just adulate Him, never approach Him for anything, or to state specific expressions to make yourself sound "religious." Instead, He simply needs you to reveal to Him what is on your heart and psyche, similarly as you would with a put stock in companion (1 Peter 5:6-8)

As you ask, you will figure out how to hear God's voice, similarly as Jesus says the individuals who know Him do (John 10:27-29). In any case, recall that it sets aside opportunity to figure out how to precisely hear Him. Here and there you may know He is addressing you through the Holy Spirit, different circumstances you may not make certain. In any case, the more you comprehend god's identity through His Word and your psyche is changed, the more you will have the capacity to observe when He is addressing you and when He isn't (Rom. 12:2).

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Stage Four: Spend Time With Others Who Believe in Christ

When I think back on my association with Jesus since I came to know Him, I don't know where I would be without different valuable adherents who demonstrated to me a photo of Him.

One lady become friends with me and showed me an enormous sum about Christ. She demonstrated to me His affection; read the Bible (His Word) with me, energized me and appealed to God for me. Without her care and concern, I don't know how I would have taken care of huge numbers of the afflictions I looked amid one specific dim season.

Since being in cozy association with other people who know Him is an imperative piece of building up a private love association with Him, Jesus implored that the individuals who know Him would encounter a similar sort of solidarity that He encounters with His Father. I encountered this with my companion.

On the off chance that you don't know any individual who you can build up a cozy association with along these lines, connect. Make a few inquiries for an otherworldly tutor, turn into a piece of a Bible report at a Bible-trusting church, or join a Christian discipleship gathering

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Stage Five: Be Patient

Finally, recollect that similarly as creating closeness with someone else requires some serious energy, so it is with association with God. As you develop to believe Him and accept what He says in His Word to an ever increasing extent, your relationship with Him will turn out to be progressively satisfying and the wealth of zoe will become inside your soul and soul
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Hi there!!!

We are glad you could share with us God's word today on how to achieve fulfillment with Him

Thanks for sharing



Absolutely magnificent mate

Thank you for taking us through the steps in achieving the fulfillment of God is these present times.

Warm regards


An extremely instructive post. I concur absolutely with point 5 which is tolerance . Persistence is all God asks from us since His chance is the best delegated time. It may appear as though He isn't prepared to answer us however in due time and season, he will answer our supplications.

Thanks for sharing @steemchurch.
As you develop to believe Him and accept what He says in His Word to an ever increasing extent, your relationship with Him will turn out to be progressively satisfying and the wealth of zoe will become inside your soul.
Committing our selves onto the lord is very important because for everybody who has given his or her life to him would always be controlled by his will and powers .
God created us and put a unique thing in our life
He has plan for us wheather in a good or bad situation .He made a real time design for us all

God leads us in steps, not by leaps. Most men want to jump into their success, yet a “leap of faith” is not a biblical concept. If we’re going to fulfill our purpose, we must take steps to do it.

His life he gave us so that we may live.
He looks at us at times and forgive us from our iniquities.
You may be rich or you may be poor but what so ever you have use it to help others who are in need for the love of God is available and sufficient for all of us who trust him.
Its just by your effort but it is by what you are doing for God and what you are ready to offer to the Almighty .
When Christ came to the world his major aim was to save us from all our iniquities and bring us close to the almighty God and lead us into the eternal life.
We should niy think that it is over until it is confirmed that it is all.
The things which you think you have list will actually be recovered by His mercies.
His deaths has given us grace and salvation .
Nothing else is suppose to cross our minds as should be ready to forgive those who have sinned us because that's the stand in his paths to make heaven.
His is love and he is everything we need as his people to inherit his enternal kingdom and glory at the last day for only those who trust in him.
Committing our selves onto the lord is very important because for everybody who has given his or her life to him would always be controlled by his will and powers .
God created us and put a unique thing in our life.
He has plan for us wheather in a good or bad situation .
He made a real time design for us all .
His blessings are only for those who truely believe in him and do his will and that are the people who he will always have reserve for .
For the great thing he made is always perfect and fits we all that trust in him .

A very informative post. I agree totally with point 5 which is patience . Patience is all God asks from us because His time is the best appointed time. It might seem like He is not ready to answer us but in due time and season, he will answer our prayers.

Hmm in this dispensation.we really need God and to know him more..
More of God is all i personally need right now.
I feel like am not properly integrated.In this whole God awaesoneless.I just have to put in more effort. And be patient as you quote.
Finally, recollect that similarly as creating closeness with someone else requires some serious energy, so it is with association with God. As you develop to believe Him and accept what He says in His Word to an ever increasing extent, your relationship with Him will turn out to be progressively satisfying and the wealth of zoe will become inside your soul and soul.
Thank you for this.It make my own day today.Day of recalling

Our society has a very narrow minded idea of what it means to live a happy, fulfilled and successful life. ... Happiness and fulfillment (the only thing we REALLY want) is something that happens within. ... There is only one way to achieve lasting happiness and fulfillment and it is by accepting christ into our lives. Christ guarantees fulfilment within.

God made us to encounter human love, and sentiment can add an awesome measurement to life. Be that as it may, sentimental love will never have the capacity to trump a personal love association with God. To be honest, God likes it along these lines since He doesn't need any contenders for your heart; He's desirous for your warmth . A few things with God are so individual, so close, that they can't be depicted with words, they must be felt with the heart. This is the manner by which genuine closeness with God is; we feel that nobody else can truly comprehend the extraordinary bond that we share with Him since it's through and through individual. As you ask, you will figure out how to hear God's voice, similarly as Jesus says the individuals who know Him do. In any case, recall that it sets aside opportunity to figure out how to precisely hear Him. Here and there you may know He is addressing you through the Holy Spirit, different circumstances you may not make certain. In any case, the more you comprehend god's identity through His Word and your psyche is changed, the more you will have the capacity to observe when He is addressing you and when He isn't.
believe Him and accept what He says in His Word to an ever increasing extent, your relationship with Him will turn out to be progressively satisfying and the wealth of zoe will become inside your soul and soul. Let us all grow in our relationship with God almighty. Thanks for sharing