💒💌SteemChurch👔•- |🌴🎩Stay Motivated!💪🔝🔥📶💯|•♨️
During all the days of your life, no one will be able to face you.
Joshua 1: 5
Surely all of us treasure, in the depths of our hearts and our minds, dreams and dreams that we hope to realize sooner or later.
These dreams and longings are legitimate, and God is pleased that we have them; In fact, he is always willing to help us make them come true. Let's not forget that God made us to the top.
Our dreams in relation to professional success, to one day form our own family, to the desire to achieve knowledge through a certain degree of study, all are good and praiseworthy desires. However, some studies show that almost the majority of people see seventy percent of their truncated dreams.
That a dream never comes to pass can be the result of having suffered some illness or a financial setback, of having made an incorrect use of the resources that God has granted us, or it can be simply due to the lack of tenacity to overcome the obstacles that appear in the path of life.
Friends, no matter what stage of life you are in, it is never too late to achieve dreams, not even to resurrect those who seem dead or dying.
Many of the obstacles or traps that prevent us from moving forward are within ourselves. Let's throw away some false arguments that the world presents us and we believe and repeat ourselves with phrases like "I can not", "I have no money", "I'm too old", "Opportunities are over for me", etcetera. All these can be merely pretexts to abandon the struggle of life.
Dreams can be postponed, but never let die.
Of course, we must let dreams "land" on firm, secure and realistic platforms. Remember that God has endowed us with physical, emotional and spiritual abilities, we can and must build our dreams on them.
Do not live this day thinking that you are increasingly away from the fulfillment of your desires. The only thing you need is a well-defined plan of action and take all your faith with divine help.
The Lord says to you today:
"As I promised Moses, I will give you every place your feet touch ... I only ask you to have much courage and firmness to obtain all the law that my servant Moses has given you. command "(Joshua 1: 3, 7).
I'll have to draw my curtain here!
Special Acknowledgement:
Special appreciation to the Great @ned for such a platform as #steemit which is a cosmos for creative minds.
A special thanks to the Most Ever Noble @SirKnight for such a great platform as @steemchurch.
Also special thanks to @sniffnscurry for their enormous contribution to @steemchurch.
I Will not forget to appreciate the #Apostles of the first ever church of the blockchain for their enormous and huge effort towards the growth of the church.
We need motivation to keep moving. Life itself could get depressing at times, but with motivation from God's words and associations with his servants we can continue in our journey. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing on SteemChurch. Have a great day ahead!
Upvoted & Resteemed
Let your heart be filled with his massage and his word.

Let his word motivate you in all we do.
Let him be your role model.
Work for him.
Do his wish and he will continue to bless you in all you do.
Motivation is the driving force of passion, it defies all odds and it conquers all challenges. If a life lacks motivation, is like a soul missing it's food, How is it going to cope
Our dreams in association with capable accomplishment, to one day shape our own family, to the need to achieve data through a particular level of study, all are extraordinary and excellent needs. Nevertheless, a couple of examinations exhibit that almost the overwhelming piece of people see 70% of their truncated dreams.
Thanks for this great post. Our dreams in relation to professional success, to one day form our own family, to the desire to achieve knowledge through a certain degree of study, all are good and praiseworthy desires. However, some studies show that almost the majority of people see seventy percent of their truncated dreams. That a dream never comes to pass can be the result of having suffered some illness or a financial setback, of having made an incorrect use of the resources that God has granted us, or it can be simply due to the lack of tenacity to overcome the obstacles that appear in the path of life. no matter what stage of life you are in, it is never too late to achieve dreams, not even to resurrect those who seem dead or dying.
Many of the obstacles or traps that prevent us from moving forward are within ourselves. Let's throw away some false arguments that the world presents us with. Of course, we must let dreams "land" on firm, secure and realistic platforms. Remember that God has endowed us with physical, emotional and spiritual abilities, we can and must build our dreams on them. Do not live this day thinking that you are increasingly away from the fulfillment of your desires. The only thing you need is a well-defined plan of action and take all your faith with divine help. So let's keep believing and proclaiming his word daily
Our fantasies in connection to proficient achievement, to one day shape our own family, to the want to accomplish information through a specific level of study, all are great and laudable wants. Be that as it may, a few examinations demonstrate that nearly the dominant part of individuals see 70% of their truncated dreams.
Thanks for sharing.
We require inspiration to continue moving. Life itself could get discouraging now and again, yet with inspiration from God's words and relationship with his workers we can proceed in our excursion. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.
A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing on SteemChurch. Have an extraordinary day ahead!
Our dreams in association with capable accomplishment, to one day shape our own family, to the need to achieve data through a particular level of study, all are extraordinary and excellent needs. Nevertheless, a couple of examinations show that about the overwhelming piece of people see 70% of their truncated dreams.
To get the best thing on this earth we need to be first motivated ourselves, someone may try motivating you to achieved your aims, but you are the only one that can do it best