Jesus said: So it will not be among you ... Mark 10:43

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Sunday arrived here in the East of Venezuela, it is a cloudy day but the impending rain does not stop the Christians who attend the Church to serve God with love. Lady Lorennys prepares her voice to Sing: How great He is! 🎶

It is the Lord's day, like every day.

A special greeting to all who gather here at SteemChurch.

Someone said a very strong sentence but, like the clouds that are on my head, full of reflection:


A young neighbor dies in a car accident and the words of encouragement of some people were: -We died to die- What poorer concept to encourage someone.

No, we were not born to die, on the contrary, we were born to live, we were born to be a blessing to others, we were born to love, we were born to smile and be happy, we were born to serve God with all our hearts.

A selfish request of John and James, disciples of Jesus, caused discomfort in the group ... they wanted to rule next to God, to sit one on the right and one on the left, and they were willing to pay even with their own blood for that .

In a similar way, our world is sick with ambition of power, they have everything but they are not satisfied, even in the church of Jesus Christ we have this inconvenience, unfortunately. Thousands of Christian denominations have been born because nobody wants to be governed.

Also thousands of churches are closed because there are many 'Caciques' and little Indians, (*** Popular said in Venezuela that refers to that everyone wants others to serve him, but they are not willing to do it ***)

Sadly, the Church faces this problem worldwide, there are many candidates to govern but few candidates to serve ...

Jesus Christ faced this tragedy in his work team, he countered it in the most eloquent way:

But Jesus, calling them to them, said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers of the nations lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it will not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a servant of all. Because the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10: 42-45


I would like that one day, someone will found a church with a welcome sign saying: *** Here, who wants to be great, must be willing to serve. ***

They are the words on the sign of Jesus for us brothers, do not live for wrong reasons, not for people to see in you a proud person, place humility in your heart and be great before God and before men. ..

I was surprised by a confession of @sirknight on the Board of Directors, and I say it, not with the intention of revealing its secrets, but to cite an opportune example of humility, for all of us who are part of @steemchurch or another Church, anywhere of the world.

I was never cut out to lead to Church, though I could be the best Administrator the world has ever known - along with the best blogger! ; )

Not everyone opens the way for another to lead, however, SK has been showing examples in all facets of the Church of Steem. There will always be someone who will be willing to serve, even when they are authorized to govern.

The important thing is to understand that all those born of God, those who are children of Jesus Christ, were born to serve their neighbor. No matter how insignificant your work, do it well and with love.


Pedro, if you do not let me wash my feet with me, you're not part of me.

-Jesus Christ-

Consider from today to serve God with love in any community of the new structure of our beloved SteemChurch...


Follow: SteemChurch International Ministry


I am @emiliocabrera, a Venezuelan who has the faith that God will lift Venezuela from its current situation and, last glory of it will be greater than the first.



Hello @emiliocabrera. Honest man with broad heart and expanded mind. Your simple and illustrated words do not need to be complemented, the message is clear and forceful; to serve instead of being served, to give without expecting something in return that, by natural and spiritual law we already know that we will be rewarded ... Impossible to transmit a better message of cohesion and work with vocation of service. Blessings to you and our church

It is good to see you here Ulysses, some changes have been made in the Church of Steem and we believe that it is for the better. Greetings to the family and thank you for encouraging me to write again.

You really hit the nail on the head with this post. Superiority complex and not wanting to serve others are part of the issues with Christians today.
Every Christians should read Mark 10: 42-45 over and over again and learn from our Lord Jesus Christ who humbled Himself to the extent of washing the feets of His disciples.

We have all been called to serve.

Thanks for this great post bro Emilio

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Great contribution FatherFaith, I am grateful for your contribution, we do not have the perfect Church but, we can make a difference in a world occupied by power. Thank you again.

Great post.
Ambition for power can drive someone crazy. We must be spirit filled and ask to direct us in everything we do in life

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😂... Blessings brother

I want to serve. This is the reason that God brought me here!

In a similar way, our world is sick with ambition of power, they have everything but they are not satisfied, even in the church of Jesus Christ we have this inconvenience, unfortunately. Thousands of Christian denominations have been born because nobody wants to be governed.

Thought striking paragraph.

Thanks for this wonderful piece my beloved.

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Thank you Max, I met in sad fact of a successful Church here in Venezuela that closed its doors. I hope it will be restored soon. God help us.

Hello, great publication of Emilio. I love reading. I'm always built with your content. Greetings, praying for your mother. Blessings

Thanks Sister, Amen

The world will always be filled with vanity. That is why we are all to walk in godly love and godly wisdom to support God's church and possibly overlook each others faults.
The Beatitudes say it all in Matthew chapter 5.
Thank you for sharing brother.
I appreciate you.

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😊... Excellent my sister Adedoyin, love leads us to serve God and others, it is time to join forces in our local churches and here in the church of steem. Together and with the love of Jesus, there are no barriers. God bless Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the world. I appreciate you too. regards



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Thanks DM, thanks for reading


You captured the present situation very succinctly here. I never knew it could be so somewhere else. Just last night I had a chat with an old Christian friend, and he said, "some young Christians and preachers are destroying the sound and bible based platforms put in place by their fathers". Seek YE first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and All others shall be added unto you is now read down up. Get All other things, fame, position, wealth, before you consider RIGHTEOUSNESS. Many Church rulers and few Christ followers.
My brother we have great work to do.
May the Lord of harvest send us revival.
An unquenchable hunger and taste after righteousness. When Christ increases and self decreases. Keeping steps with Jesus Christ. Oh LORD send us your REVIVAL.

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Well Victor, with the new structure of our community, we will always promote unity, SteemChurch must be that example for so many Churches in the world that are being closed because of lack of workers, our Lord Jesus Christ said: The harvest is great, the workers are few '... We ask God a multitude of disciples to expand His Kingdom on earth. Only a great revival can stop the wave of crimes that are happening in society, the City of Wales-England, changed when a young miner with a few children, prayed and decided to change their Nation. 😊

Reading your post and reflecting, man will be great and known for his service to God. God bless you my brother.

You are certainly right brother. What is in the heart always depict in reality. We are Christians not politicians. We give without expecting anything back. This what our master Jesus Christ taught us. Enjoyed reading your post.
