Understanding the Direction of God’s Word

in #steemchurch4 years ago

Understanding the Direction of God’s Word
Isaiah 55: 10-11

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Has it ever occurred to you that the word of God is not empty? Has God ever said a thing and it failed to become a reality or perform the enterprise of God’s heart? Well we are about to discover that in this publication and I enjoin you to make out time to read through this article.

God’s word had never been empty and will never be empty, the reason God’s word appears empty to people is just that people don’t understand how the word of God comes.
Our anchor scripture for this publication will be taken from Isaiah 55: 10-11

10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Now if you follow the progression of that reading, you will understand that God’s word either comes as seed to the sower or bread to the eater meaning that as God is send words through you to the people, He is also release words for your own benefit. If you give your portion of the bread to people, you will get stunted because of poor feeding and it will result in people becoming healthier than you are. So God doesn’t at all the times send His word as bread to the eater or as seed to the sower. How the word comes determines the level of results it will yield.

Now let’s note that as the rain and the snow doesn’t fail to come so does God’s word does not fail to come. Because it cost God His words to make the earth, it will also cost Him His words to make your life. “By faith we believe that the whole earth was framed by the Word”
See Hebrews 11: 3 as such it takes the word of God to frame our life. Jesus said, “the flesh profited nothing, it is the spirit that quickens and the words I speak unto you, the spirit and they are life”

Men will continue to live in error when they miss the placement of the word of God. Now it is not every word that God sends to you that is for the people and also it is not every word that God sends to you is for you.

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We are often deceived to think that once we are saved through Christ, we have received the ministry of share the word of God and so many times God tells us things that is meant for our ears alone we tell it to people. So Apostle Paul in the light of this said “I put myself under subjection so that I will not preach the gospel to the people and on the last day I myself become a cast away.

When men don’t know the direction of the word the receive (seed/bread) they short circuit the word and render it ineffective.

Now in 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Paul told Timothy that every scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. So we can say that every word God releases is first to us as bread and until it has become our live, we are not permitted to give it out to others as seed. When people give out the words meant for them simply because the word is against their belief or their ideologies, they are simply pushing their spiritual growth and maturity to other.

  • Everytime we channel the word of God to the wrong location, we are simply making the word of God to become ineffective.

Understanding the placement of every that proceeds out of the mouth of God is what makes the word powerful and effective.*

Receive wisdom to know the direction of God’s word in the name of Jesus. Amen


Paul never said this,

Apostle Paul in the light of this said “I put myself under subjection so that I will not preach the gospel to the people and on the last day I myself become a cast away.

You said this:

Everytime we channel the word of God to the wrong location, we are simply making the word of God to become ineffective.

That makes no sense.

Even if we share the gospel with those who reject it we make them more accountable before God.

Thanks for pointing out