STEEMCHURCH: What is Islam and what do Muslims believe?

The religion of Islam began in the early seventh century with a man named Mohamed. He claimed to have been visited by the angel Gabriel. During these angelic visits, which continued for about 23 years until the death of Muhammad, the angel allegedly revealed to Muhammad the words of God (called "Allah" in Arabic and by Muslims). These revelations dictated include the Koran, the holy book of Islam.


Muslim beliefs

Muslims, followers of Islam, believe that the Koran is the preexisting and perfect word of Allah. Moreover, many Muslims reject any version in English or any other language of the Koran. These are translations of the meaning of the Koran, which only exists in Arabic.
Although the Koran is the main holy book, the sunna is considered the second source of religious instruction. The sunna was written by Muhammad's companions about what he said, did or approved.
The fundamental beliefs of Islam are, that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad was the prophet of Allah. By the simple statement of these beliefs, a person can convert to Islam. The word Muslim means "one who submits to Allah." Islam claims to be the only true religion, from which all other religions have derived themselves, or have been created as a parody of Islam (including Judaism and the Christianity).


Muslims base their lives on Five Pillars:

  1. The testimony of faith: "There is no true god but only God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God."
  2. Prayer: must be done five times a day.
  3. Almsgiving: it must be given to the needy, since everything comes from Allah.
  4. Fasting: in addition to occasional festivities, all Muslims must fast during the celebration of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar)
  5. The Hajj: the pilgrimage to the Mecca Mosque, must be performed at least once (in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar).
These five principles, which are the obedience structure for Muslims, are taken very seriously and literally. The entry of a Muslim into paradise is based on the obedience of these Five Pillars.

What are the main differences between Islam and Christianity today?

1. In Christianity, there is the belief of the trinity, but in Islam there is a belief in unity.
2.Islam includes all divine religions and prophets. Christianity accepts only the Bible as an authentic book and does not accept the Qur'an as a Book based on revelation.
3. Christianity affirms that man is a sinner from birth and, in this way, needs to be baptized to be clean. Islam states that newborns are free from sin and that no one bears the sin or guilt of another person.
4. In Christianity, priests and clerics have the authority to forgive people's sins when they confess. In Islam sins are forgiven only by Allaah.
5. In Christianity, the words of Jesus are considered as the word of God. In Islam, divine mandates are transmitted through the revelation of the Angel Gabriel.
6. According to Christians, Jesus was crucified. According to Islam, he ascended to heaven, in the presence of Allah.
7. Although Christians today claim that their religion is the last, this statement is not valid, according to Islam, because of the following statement from the Koran: "Religion for Allah is Islam (submission to his will) ) ". (3:19) "If someone wishes a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted and in the next life he will be among the losers" (3:85).

