in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

Jesus Christ died (and rose again) for us to pay our debt to God, and open a path to the Father, to whom we can present ourselves daily, a great privilege !!

Matthew 11: 28: "Come to me all who are worked and loaded, and I will give you rest."

The burden you may be carrying today, be it sickness, sin or a problem, God wants you to throw it on Him to give you rest, and although thoughts may come to your mind that make you believe that you do not deserve God's help, you must cast them away, because the great truth is that Jesus loves you and wants to help you. So, strengthen your faith, don't let it faint.


Hebrews 4: 15-16: “Because we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in everything according to our likeness, but without sin. Let us therefore come confidently to the throne of grace, to attain mercy and find grace for the opportune help. ”

On the Cross of Calvary, Jesus made a very great sacrifice, in which he bore all the sins of mankind, He felt in his body what today you may be feeling, if he had not felt it, it was not powerful to help you in your anguish. Everything that a human being can face, He had to suffer in his body. Therefore, today, you can help everyone who is in a similar situation. If Jesus can understand what you are going through today, don't wait any longer, approach Him with confidence, because his throne is that of grace, not that of judgment.

Satan does not want you to approach God with faith, because he knows that if you do you will receive the miracle that you have been waiting for, just as that woman who only by touching the edge of Jesus' mantle was healthy, and as the one who shouted "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me." They might not deserve to receive that miracle from God, but approaching Him with faith allowed them to conquer what they so longed for. Your miracle is near, so approach God with faith, may your cry of faith toward Him be greater than the doubt that comes to your mind.

Isaiah 53: 1– 4: “Who has believed our announcement? And on whom has the arm of Jehovah been manifested? It will rise which I renew in front of him, and as the root of dry land; there is no resemblance in him, nor beauty; We will see you, but without attractiveness so that we wish you. Contempt and rejected among men, a man of pain, experienced in brokenness; and since we hid his face from him, he was belittled, and we did not estimate him. He certainly bore our diseases, and suffered our pains; and we considered him scourged, wounded of God and dejected. ”

All pain Jesus charged so that you do not carry it, so today, you do not have to be carrying heavy weights that oppress your life, release it and come to Him, because He wants to give you rest. Remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, which represents love, salvation, forgiveness of sin, but also judgment, he paid the debt before the judge, what we had to pay, He paid it. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death, but Jesus, so that we would not die, He did it.

Your debt was paid! So sickness and sin are illegal in your body, if they arrive, they have to go. Stand firm today before the disease and say: Enough, Jesus has already paid my debt! God has already carried your suffering in his body, so today, you do not have to live that way. You should only approach God with faith, believing, confidently in spite of what you have gone through, do not accept any illness or adversity that Jesus already paid. Today, a miracle is at the door, if you approach God with faith!

When we receive Jesus as our Savior, his atoning work is credited to our account.

Colossians 2.13, 14


Bible in his presence translated into Spanish 1960



Jesus was sent as our Savior, to pay this debt. God offers this gift to each of us, and all we have to do is accept His grace and forgiveness. In doing this, we recognize that Jesus is the Lord, who took our debt and paid it completely for us. This recognition inspired one of the most enduring hymns of all time.

Bring on the Jubilee!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for sharing these scriptures that give us encouragement to our soul and bring us closer to our Lord. Blessings,

Believing that Jesus paid for everything is the foundation of Christianity. It is based on the faith that God sent Jesus Christ, His Son, to earth, and that Jesus was crucified on a cross and resurrected to pay the price of sin. This was His purpose. We have all sinned against God and He provided the only form of atonement.

Jesus Christ did not pay the debt to satan, but paid it to the Father. The Bible says "He annulled the debt we had pending by the requirements of the law" because the law was established because of sin, before there was no law, but once sin appears, God has to bring the law. And the law was through which man should be governed, but the Bible itself shows us that no one was able to comply with the law. So the debt we had pending was because we had not fulfilled any of the requirements of the law and this made us debtors before the Father, but before Satan he made us his creditors, so we were separated from the Father by sin. Then, that debt we had with the Father, became a legal right to curse us, accuse us, condemn us and prevent our lives from seeing God's prosperity and blessing.

Today is a good day for you to raise your hands free, I take your position Jesus already paid your debt ... never forget that YOU ARE FREE !!!

He paid the debt He did not owe. I owed the debt but I could not pay. Lord Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay and I am so grateful for that.