One day in the morning, I went into an extensive valley that seemed to be heading for the promised land. However soon I saw a sign that said: Care, warrior, Valley of the giants!

I looked at the poster, and I thought some dreamers had returned from this valley, they were right the giants were real.
What should I do? He had no weapons. He had no plan. Even so my big dream was bigger than ever, and I trusted my dream giver, God, I decided to get going.
1 Chronicles 20: 4-8
"After this, there was a battle against the Philistines at Gezer. It was on that occasion when Sibecay the Jusatite killed Sipay, a descendant of the giants. Thus they subdued the Philistines. 5 Then, in another battle that took place against the Philistines, Eljanán son of Yair killed Lami, brother of Goliath the little witch, whose spear had a pole as big as a loom's roller. 6 There was one more battle in Gat. There was another giant there, a very tall man who had six fingers in each hand and six in each foot, that is, he had twenty-four fingers in all.7 He went to challenge the Israelites, but Jonathan the son of Simá, who was the brother of David, he killed him. 8 These were the descendants of Rapha the little one who fell at the hands of David and his officers "
This is a message full of power and revelation, when for the first time I embarked on my journey, the giants were the last option I had, I knew that I was born for a big dream, but not for big fights. It sure David did not think that He was born to face a giant. Then he put a small stone in his sling and threw it directly towards goliath, the giant fell apart. That amazing victory over a giant made a lot of difference. It brought renewed hope to Israel's dream of freedom from oppression.

If you face a giant today, I want to cheer you up. You have not made a mistake or gone astray. You have not been watching the defeat to the face. Why? your giant is a strong evidence that you are on the right path to achieve the great dream that is in your heart.
If we do not kill the giants who come to torment us, we can not take the promised land. Each of them has a particular purpose to stop the work that God has begun in each one of us. There will be no peace in the people of God until we kill these prophetic giants:
1.- Sipay-means to sow, enter, access and control. If you take 3 steps forward and 3 steps back Sipay is controlling the entrance to the promised land and it brings division, it does not let you advance, competition and jealousy within the church.
2.- Lami-means My bread. It has to do with the provision. God tells you that you were blessed and you do not see this blessing. Lami is stealing your provision. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
3.- Giant of 24 fingers has no identity-means satanic government.
4.- Isbibenot- It means fatigue, hiding place. It overwhelms you and tires you so that you give up your ministry. It makes you like Elijah, after having obtained such a great victory, causing the people of God to return to worship him in one day and kill 400 priests of Baal, I end up fleeing to a woman and hiding in a cave wishing death. He forgot that God had told him that he would not know death, because it would be transposed.
Which of these giants you have to knock down in your life so that the blessing arrives and the greatest revival manifests on the face of the earth.
The faces of the giants
Beating a giant requires that you use everything you have learned so far in the journey to your dream, including, courage, wisdom, trust, and surrender to God. You will need the power of God to defeat a giant, and sometimes you will need a miracle after another.
As our dream is unique, the giant will be too. I can mention some of the giants that I have found on my way to achieve my great dream.
The lack of resources
The immovable system
The opposition
The intimidating circumstance
The physical and spiritual burden
Unbelief is more dangerous to your dream than any giant.
I thought I was an expert in killing giants, as I had already overcome several with my warrior sword, but I was attacked by an extremely powerful giant capable of making me feel that nothing was worth it, attacking my heart, my feelings, until the Lord spoke to me. saying: Darlenys, that giant that is preventing you from crossing that line of blessing that I have prepared, is the greatest of the giants, and it will cost you to overcome it, because you are yourself, it is up to you to defeat you and then get up, only with my help. you will achieve.
When I began to ask God how to overcome him and what he was, he led me to this word:
It is significant to note that he had 6 fingers on his hands and feet, making a total of 24 fingers. Let's not forget that the number 6 is man's number, humanism. And number 12 is government number. 12 fingers in the hands speaks of the power of humanistic manipulation. 12 fingers on the feet speaks of the power of territorial control dominion in the kingdoms of this world. Humanism is a concept that emphasizes that man is everything, that he is god, and rejects the need for divine intervention. He has diverse philosophical expressions. (Idealism, materialism, existentialism, nihilism, capitalism, democracy, etc.).
Sometimes our humanity leads us to fail, we put our trust in men, we give our dreams to the wrong people.
This giant was defeated by Jonathan, which means "Given by Jehovah" (H3083). Humanism is overcome by recognizing that no matter what great feat we do in the Kingdom, everything is for the Glory of God since we receive everything from Him, our gifts, our talents, our virtues, everything is for Him and for Him.

The reason of the giants.
I have always wondered if God has the power to divide the sea, why do not I use it to knock down my giants at once?
I just realized that I have been observing the giants from my perspective and not from God's.
God wants you to know him and honor him for who he is. The giants are the main opportunity to get his power known in a controversial world. Now, you must be prepared to look for your greatest giants and defeat him as a warrior for glory. of God.
I want to run the risk of faith, how important is at stake as the work of God on earth I run risk. A risk that I have run in these last times is that of a firm stance against what does not please God, I run the risk of losing the favor of what is in power, because I do not tell you what you want to hear, of those who beneficain in inappropriate ways, however when it comes to defending and upholding the name of God, I assume the consequences, greed is a powerful giant, but when we know our honor, our name is not given by God, not by man, then we will overcome giants.
Extend your hand to take your stone
The scriptures say "that the Lord travels with his eyes all the earth, and is ready to help those who are faithful"
The warriors that are changing the world know a great secret: God is willing to show his power to dreamers who run the risk of doing what he wants. There are many Goliaths in our world and few Davids, so do not give up. Warrior.
I come to tell you that your dream is on the right path in the direction of an overwhelming obstacle. If you go there, you will honor God. That giant is in a blunt challenge against humanity, against God's dream for his world.
To that giant, who has risen up against God's purpose for Venezuela, today in the name of Jesus, we cut off his head.
My beloved warriors, it's time to take your stone ...
It's time for freedom!
Bring your light to the world!

Stretching out one's hand for the stone is an act of faith. This would be exercised by a man who believes that God can use mean things to bring down the haughty and the mighty. Our stone may be as insignificant as Moses' rod, Jehoshaphat's trumpet, footnoise of the 4 lepers, and/or as simple as the Cross. If we pick up the stone, no giant can stand the way. Thanks @Darlenys01 for this morning booster.
When we focus on what God is going to give us, we do not listen to the voices of those who despise us saying that we will not succeed. (Fil 3.13-14). Goddess of God @darlenys01, conqueror of dreams.
When Saul tried to convince David that he could not defeat Goliath; David simply began to list his past victories against Lions and Bears and how God had delivered him. This point is very important; even God told the people of Israel to write things in books for memory (Exodus 17:14). Joshua told him to build Monuments (Joshua 4: 7). This teaches us that it is important to remember the victories that God has given you; these will give you encouragement and as I told you before it may have been your training.
We all have giants in our lives, we decide if we face them or continue fleeing from them. Our giants can be represented in our fears, complexes, weaknesses, temptations or circumstances that we are going through, the good thing is that Christ won on the cross of Calvary for us which means that if we face them our victory is assured.
What has urgency we must attend immediately we can not waste more time thinking that perhaps tomorrow we will embark on the road to success in all areas of our lives.
In the Bible we find a number of characters who made a decision on time without waiting and managed to achieve their goals.
You mentioned @darlenys in one of your messages that God had told you about a pen to take others to write their dreams, that is a prophetic word that is being fulfilled today, apostolic message so that everyone who reads this enabled and full of faith to achieve your greatest desires. Thank you, my sister God, I continue to bless you.
When people saw David who was willing to fight against the giant, many probably made fun of him because they saw that his chances of winning were slim. Even his relatives rejected him (1st Samuel 17.28 and 33). Go ahead @darlenys01.
When there is negativism in us; It is in our mind where everything starts so the change must begin in the mind.
In love with this message @darlenys01, you are a builder of God's dreams.
When we find messages like this, it gives us strength to conquer our dreams, thanks @darlenys01 for sharing.