Let yourself love, as only God can.

in #steemchurch7 years ago

"7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water; and Jesus said to him: Give me to drink. 8 For his disciples had gone to the city to buy food. 9 The Samaritan woman said to him, "How do you, being a Jew, ask me to drink, that I am a Samaritan woman? Because Jews and Samaritans did not treat each other. 10 Jesus answered and said to him, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, Give me a drink; you would ask him, and he would give you living water. "John 4: 7-10.

This woman had 5 husbands, and the one she had was not hers; that's why I went to the sixth hour, hour of the heat, time at which nobody else went; because no woman wanted to see her. To that Samaritan woman, who does not love herself, who loves no one, who has not taken a baptism class, who still has not died for her, he tells her: If you knew who I am and what I have, and You ask, I give it to you. In other words, God does not have to change to give you. When everyone leaves you alone because they do not love you, if you know who He is and know what He has, and you dare to ask Him, He gives it to you. But why do not we ask? Because we do not understand who He is, the gift He has, and we do not believe that we deserve it. Why do not we think we deserve it? Because in this life, in all attempts at love, we often fail. We all want to be loved, accepted, loved.

"7 And taking him by the right hand he raised him up; and at the moment his feet and ankles were affirmed; 8 And leaping up, he stood up and walked; and he entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. "Acts 3: 7-8

To a lame man, Pedro took him by the hand and affirmed his feet and ankles. That is what the love of God does, the love of the people. When you manifest love, you affirm people so they can walk, jump, praise God. The problem is that everyone has rejected you, nobody has loved you, and whoever loved you hurt you; and now you project that to God. You think: God is not going to do what others did to me, but he will not love me either. You do not experience the love of God because your natural experience of how others have loved you makes you think that all the failure in the love you have had is because they are right; They do not love you because you do not deserve it and for who you are. Your failures of love make you not believe yourself worthy of God's love. But, if you knew who He is, and the gift He has, you would ask Him, and He would give it to you.

We live in a skeptical, cynical world; We think that people do not love us, that there are more people who hate us, those who seek to harm us. And there are people who do, reckless people; but there are more who will love you, those who will love you, those who are in favor of you. But if you project the wrong, that's what you're going to have. And that is what happens to us with God.

It is not about understanding, but about accepting. Would you accept that God would love you to the point of unleashing greatness in you? Would you dare to ask God for the gift that is in Him for you? Your children make mistakes today because of one thing: They do not understand how much you love them and how much God loves them. You have shown them your love, but they still do not understand it. For them, you are the reason for their problems. And so it happens to many with God.

Paul said we have to know the breadth of God's love. The love of God is extensive, broad; It covers all areas of your life. It's long, it goes the distance with you; when others take off halfway, God is still there. The love of God is high; exceeds all your expectations. When you think that God can not love you anymore, he loves you more; When you think that he can not bless you more, he blesses you more. When you think he can not do anything for you, he does it for you. His love is deep, intense; He seeks you, persecutes you, blesses you. When others think that you should not be there, God takes you there. The love of God affirms your feet today so that you can keep walking. That's love. The love of God works through people, affirming your feet. And you have to learn to receive love. The experiences of the past what they tell you is that you are not worthy to receive it; that everyone will accuse you, will threaten you, that they will want to leave you; and there will always be those who do, but God loves you so much that he will always have people who will bless you. And what you have is that learning to receive it, to accept it, you have to believe that you deserve it. Let yourself be loved, let yourself be loved by God.

Everything that God has done for you, has not necessarily been by faith; You have not always had faith. You have wanted to renounce, leave everything; but you have learned that God loves you. Instead of focusing so much on having faith, focus on who God is, the gift He has, and although no one has loved you, dare to ask Him because He says: "I am going to give it to you, I love you so much that I I'm going to give. Let me surprise you, let me love you to the fullest, let me do something for you, let me go further. "

God loves you so much that sometimes you feel bad. Receive the gift, the love of God in your life. Greatness is unleashed when you let God love you. If you let God love you, with your imperfections, with your problems, with your difficulties, with your anger, with your mistakes, with all that you are, even though they have not loved you, they have not loved you, they have hurt, they have hurt you, they have hurt you; If you let the love of God flow in you, rest assured that your greatness will be unleashed in your life. I know of someone who did badly in a relationship thinks that the door of love is closed forever, and does not want to give an opportunity to be loved.

Break every scheme in your mind today, every paradigm that says you are not worthy of being loved. You have been used, mistreated, used and abandoned, but accept the love of God. Let God love you, may his love exceed your expectations, may his love extend to you, and you will experience things you have never experienced. You are going to reach great places not only for your faith, but for the love of God. God loves you so much that He will do for you what you would not be willing to do for yourself; It is going to put you in places that you have never thought about, it is going to give you more than what you ask and understand, because God loves you in a way that you can not understand. You will realize that he loves you more and more. When you open your eyes to the love of God, you will see your life in a different dimension. Accept the love of God above all things, and your greatness will be unleashed upon you.


"It is easier to love God, than to be loved by Him". And I know it well. "Loving God" means taking the initiative without noticing that He took it long before us; In addition to trying to "win" his love based on much effort, without noticing his gratuitous mercy.

Filled with His love we can cope well with pain, dispel fear, freely forgive, avoid contention, renew strength and bless and help others.
What a beautiful post, thank you apostol, for delighting us with such good writing.

In this we have known love, in which he laid down his life for us; We also have to put our lives for our brothers.
1 John 3:16

There are reasons to believe in the love of God sister Darlenys!

Good message!

The love of God is amazing, majestic, no one loves us like Him.
The maximum expression of the love that God is and of the love that God has for us, is called Jesus Christ.
Jesus reveals God in his most genuine identity, in his deepest truth, in his full authenticity, which is mercy: diffusive goodness, love that is given, unbreakable fidelity to himself and others.
Thank you @darlenys for always reminding us of that great love.

I love you God ... because YOU loved me first ...
Your Love is unconditional ... because YOU are Love ... pour out of your Love in our hearts ... HE continues to love us no matter what our condition ... no matter what you and I do ... HE does not change anything of His Love ... it is big and deep and total.

Place yourself in the Presence of God ... look for it more ... open your heart ... open your lips ... and tell him that you love him !!!! beautiful my apostle @darlenys01, it's good to hear from you.

Regardless of the pain of Christ and the Father, the perfect sacrifice was carried out out of love.

When we speak of love, we speak of God, because He is the essence of love, He loved us so much, He gave everything and became man only because of the great love He has for us, Thank you Lord for loving us so much, without denying anything.
Excellent @ darlenys01.

Revelation does not try to tell us what God is in himself, but what he is for us. It does not intend to manifest its nature, its being and its identity, but, rather, its behavior with us. It has, therefore, a meaning that we could call 'functional'. By saying, then, that "God is Love" (1 Jn 4:16), he simply states that God loves us. And that love is the only reason and the sole reason for all his actions with respect to us. He creates us through love, he preserves us in being for love, he chooses us and calls us in Christ for love, and for love predestines us, from all eternity, to be his children in his only Son, by a real configuration and mystical identification with the. Of course, by manifesting what God is for us, he also tells us, and at the same time, what God is in himself. Your behavior with us, reveals, in fact, your true identity.

You are right, Apostle Darlenys, our self-esteem must be on par with the understanding that we are loved by God!