in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

In exchange for you I will deliver men; In return for your life I will deliver villages! Because I love you and you are before my eyes beautiful and worthy of honor.
Isaiah 43: 4

We have to know the importance of each of us in the body of Christ, God has given each of us gifts, talents, with which we can reach souls and build them in the love of Christ.The community that is Church lives and works for the peace and justice of the Kingdom of God. It is a place open to time, where people who come together are called by Christ to serve him; working and assisting each other.

“28 And after this I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy; your elders will dream dreams, and your young people will see visions. 29 And also on the servants and on the maidservants I will pour out my Spirit in those days. ”
Joel 2: 28-29


In Joel 2, when the prophecy of the outpouring of the Spirit is given, it says that it will be over all flesh, that sons and daughters would prophesy; It is not that all would be prophets as such, but all would prophesy. There is no exclusivity; In God there are no elites; It does not work like that. Do not fall into the game of those who despise the place where you are, and what God is doing in your life; There are times when God uses you in a way, but not all the time he will use you that way. Things are when the Lord gives them, at the right time, because He wants to achieve something in particular. Hopefully everyone will experience it; But there is no such thing as relying on an elite that has exclusivity. We all have to operate on all these gifts.

Paul makes several lists of gifts and ministries.

“6 So, having different gifts, according to the grace that is given to us, if that of prophecy, be used according to the measure of faith; 7 or yes of service, in serving; or he who teaches, in teaching; 8 he who exhorts, in the exhortation; the one who distributes, with liberality; the one who presides, with request; he who does mercy, with joy. ”Romans 12: 6-8

There is no greater gift than another. The apostle is as important as the one who serves the table. If we were all apostles, who serves the table? That is the problem when, in the church, everyone wants to be something that is not. We celebrate some gifts more than others, but many need recognition, so they think they have to occupy certain specific positions to achieve it. If we recognized in the church who serves, who works, the accountant, the lawyer; If we all enjoyed everyone's victories, in every profession, people would be more comfortable in being what they have been called to be, and they would not be looking to be what they have not been called to be.

In Ephesians 4, Paul gives another list:

“11 And he himself constituted some apostles; to others, prophets; to others, evangelists; to others, pastors and teachers, 12 in order to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edification of the body of Christ, ”Ephesians 4: 11-12

Paul mentions different names in the different books, because these writings were letters, each addressed to a particular church, and each addressing the particular situations of the church to which it was addressed. God empowers everyone in a particular area, not to fulfill the person's purpose, but to fulfill His purpose in that person's life. And this is what should make you happy, because what you are doing is not you, but God through you, not to achieve your purpose, but to achieve God's purpose. If you have told God to use you, you will feel used; And you may not achieve what you think you should achieve, but God's purpose is achieved.

There is no elite Christian, and there are no second class Christians. The one who projects that, projects a lie. There's no such thing.

About the Unit:

First of all, the fact that Scripture declares that Christians are no longer foreigners or upstarts, but fellow citizens of the saints, and members of the family of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, draws my attention. being the main stone of the angle Jesus Christ himself, in whom the whole building, well coordinated, is growing to be a holy temple in the Lord (Ephesians 2: 19–21).

Not everyone has to have the manifestation of all gifts, although they are accessible to all. Some people feel bad about not speaking languages. But not everyone speaks languages, and not everyone has to do it to be saved. It has a benefit, a function, but you are not a second-class Christian because you have not yet manifested it.


Biblical text: Version Reina-valera 1960.

Message Extract::
"Bible in his presence."
Translated Spanish.

The church was formed to be his body, The Body of Christ that would carry out the task he commissioned. The healthy development of a church is revealed in the participation of all its members (as part of the body of Christ). " but to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for profit "(1 Corinthians 12: 7). Each member of the body of Jesus is in the church for a special purpose. And every believer has a Gift or Gifts given by God to be used by this person or believer. Since all gifts, however diverse they may be, come from the same Spirit, diversity does not destroy unity, but makes it possible. Every Christian can have a gift that characterizes him from other believers, the apostle Paul asks several questions about this issue: "Are they all apostles? Are they all prophets? Are they all teachers? Do they all perform miracles? Do they all have gifts of health? do they speak all languages? do they all interpret? " (1 Corinthians 12: 29-30). It will be that everyone has the same gift, I think not, everyone has a gift or several gifts for their edification and building purposes of others. Every member of the church receives a gift (or gifts) of the Spirit.

Christ is the one who chooses the leaders.

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We are the living stones of the building of God, deeply united to Christ, which is the support rock, and the support between us, isn't it? And what does this mean? That the Temple is us, the Church, but we, alive, we are Church, we are the living Temple, and when we are together there is the Holy Spirit that helps us grow as a Church.

I enjoy myself, because the Holy Spirit leads us to all truth and is our guide.

Many of the things you mention, the Lord is taking to several congregations today.

thanks for sharing.

When we confess faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit is sent to dwell in us, making us the temple and the house of God.

At this moment I feel very identified with this issue because at this time some brothers left the country and the truth is that the whole church is injured, we are the same body and if a finger is cut, the whole body feels it.

God has a purpose for all of us and for everyone we are special, blessings

God constituted some Apostles to other prophets, evangelists, teachers, pastors in order to expand his kingdom.

Today more than ever, we must understand that being a Church implies a true life of communion and participation. Remember: you and I are Church.

Jesus groups and forms disciples, who will become the little flock of the Good Shepherd. He endeavored to the survival and growth of this community, when his Death and Resurrection occurred.