A Woman Tied To The Promises of God

In the book of Joshua chapter 2, the story of a woman who was a harlot is narrated ... her name was Rahab. Surely many women will ask themselves: Why a woman can reach that condition? There may be several reasons ... for example here are some:
-because you have a void in your heart that you want to fill.
-because he has an urgent need to raise money to feed his children.
-because he got used to that life and everything does not matter anymore.
-because it is the only way to feel "accompanied".
Rahab a woman with discernment: (Jos.2.4-9)
She discerned that those who were with her were not men who came for her, they had a specific mission and she decided to mate with them and BY FAITH she received them at home (He.11.31).
Rahab a determined woman: (Jos.2.9 and 2.11)
She said: "I know that Jehovah has given you this land ..." she recognized the POWER OF GOD and BELIEVED in him, she said: "because Jehovah your God, is God up in heaven and down on earth" was A DECLARATION OF FAITH
Rahab an unwilling woman: (Jos.2.12-21)
She knew how to make a deal with them, she focused on her family not only on her and she got the favor of God.
Rahab had all the arguments to feel alone, her profession was "being a harlot", I think there is not a woman who feels more alone than a harlot, since she is with many men, but none stays with her. Her self-esteem should have been on the floor, she was supposed to be "anybody" for society. Her dreams would be far from being realized for her. But nevertheless…
She being who she was showed to be wiser than many "decent" women, her discernment led her to distinguish the holy from the profane, she knew that behind this situation WAS GOD, HER PLAN, THE OPPORTUNITY OF HER LIFE. And that's why he hid the spies.
She declared by faith the power of God, "in our mouth is the power of life and death" (Pr.18.21) she chose life, because according to what I speak is what I believe, I must speak God's promises and not putting negative words in my mouth, she acknowledged that Jehovah had done great miracles among his people, she knew more about Jehovah than many of the Israelites. He had a genuine faith and demonstrated it through his works (sgo.2.25)
She made a business with them, it was her salvation and her entire house in exchange for keeping the secret. An unworried woman, does not waste time with emotions, deals, projects, uses her abilities to achieve high goals. That woman did not perish with the disobedient (He.11.31) what a paradox! A woman who lived her life in disobedience did not perish with the disobedient because she had the faith that pleases God! (He.11.6).
As we can see "God does not look at what man looks at," there is a value and a potential within us that we must bring to light, there are no excuses before God, we do not follow Him for feelings but for what He did in WE!!! He gave us HIS HOLY SPIRIT, and it was the Holy Spirit who made Rahab discern, have determination and be able to function quickly, because it was a life or death situation. She knew how to appreciate THE OPPORTUNITY THAT GOD GAVE TO HIM, regardless of the circumstances that surrounded her, or who she was, she decided to FOCUS ON THE PROMISE OF GOD and remained tied for always in them !.
Thank you Ma @Darlenys01 for bringing up this subject. Some weeks back, I had a reflecting study this character and the discoveries were challenging to me. I saw Rahab as a woman who had a SOFT SPOT for God. I saw Isaiah 66: 2 expressing in her as she had the capability to tremble and be at awe at a first contact with God's people and God's word. SOme of us unlike Rahab get so used to God that we thought we knew everything about Him. Her response to God was an amazing lesson. I hope I'll post on this subject.
Thank you for reminding me, am blessed.
By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish together with the disobedient, having received the spies in peace. Heb. 11.31.
I love the end of this last verse, because it emphasizes that he received them in peace, a sign of their genuine faith. And Psalm 15 says: Who will dwell in your tabernacle?
The one in whose eyes the vile is despised,
But honor those who fear Jehovah.
He who even swearing in his hurt, does not change that;
What this woman did is prodigious: Save her family! She is a hero who captured God's attention even though she was not in good relationship with Him.
The spies agreed to save Raab's family, because she had saved their lives. They instructed Raab: tie a red cord in the window of his house and bring all the members of his family into the house. Everyone in the house would be saved (Joshua 2: 17-19).
The red thread is a symbol of the crimson blood of Jesus Christ that would cover and cleanse our sins.
Greetings Apostle Darlenys
Rahab is a great example that God does not distinguish people, as long as they have a sincere heart before him.
The story of Rahab is a demonstration of God's grace. No matter what your life was like, no matter what you did before you met the Lord, all that was left behind. God's mercies are new every morning and He will give you a new opportunity in the same way He gave it to Rahab.
Rahab was saved with her family, and Joshua 6:25 tells us that "she has lived in the midst of Israel to this day."
Focusing on the promises of God, is the way for the victory of all mortal, Rahab, recognized that God was the destiny of his life, and I do not miss the opportunity.
We must constantly approach God with that attitude.
Blessings @apostol darlenys01
No matter how the man catalogs you, focus on how God does it, he is the one who pays according to our heart.
This woman was determined to preserve the lives of these men.
Rahab's collaboration with the spies was the beginning of the fall of Jericho. The Israelite spies were not there for the purpose with which the other men arrived. They treated her with a lot of respect and dignity while doing their recognition; They explained who they were and in whose name they came. Surely they also testified to him from the Lord.
Rahab is a very beautiful story @ darlenys01, which decided at its crucial moment to follow God, not only believed all the evidence that God had given to the Canaanites, but also acted because of that belief, he heard it, believed it and then I act on it.