in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends

I AM Is The Team Leader: Moses was the first co woker with God to have an encounter with this revelation of the one who appointed us as team players with Jesus Exodus 3:14



Imagine what "I am who I am who did and accomplished in Egypt when his time and season were ripe enough to deliver His people from the bondage of slavery.



Just reflects the fact that Moses operated the old covenant which had limitations (fault) and imaging what we as team players with Jesus would accomplish if we catch the revelation of the enormous mysteries involved in working with the I am not just for us nor only with us but living inside of us.



I am that's I am signifies He is self existence, he has no dependence on any being, the all sufficient God, the eternal and unchanging God.

The inexhaustible One within us in the assignments. The one who existed before time, the way the truth and the life the resurrection, the living bread, from heaven the good shepherd.



2.INITIATIVE ATTITUDE : the attitude of initiative is one of the most important attributes of coworkers, with Jesus. It is a distinguishing factor. Team players shouldn't wait for the future to come they create the future. They don't wait for others to do what they know they could do. The attitude of initiative makes the difference between the plans on goals set by leadership and actual result.



Initiative quality in team players is like a catalyst. Secondly it causes every team player to be an action man or woman, it springs from self modification. Suffice it to say that initiator are self starters who don't need outside urging, or being pushed around like wheel barrow.

Gen 1:2-3, Luke 16:8, Acts 8:3-8



3.INNOVATIVE MINDSET : somebody said don't resist change, contributes to it". Innovation has to do with the new ideas and methods of getting the job done. The team players with the "master innovator" that has ever lived ( Jesus) has the traits ingrained in them because they have the mind of Christ, besides they are made in the image of God, the ultimate goal of them players is to successfully achieve and accomplish predeternined plans to fulfil a primary purpose.



Innovation deals with the capacity to create new approaches and concepts to deal with old and new challenges. It also entails ability to perceive the posibilities in the combination of old and new concept. It involves creating developing and application of untested ways of solving old and new problems. It does not end there. It recognizes the capacity to think beyond the known, defy traditional way of doing things.



Jesus, the Team leader is a parallel of model in this regard. He didn't teach or preach like the scenes and Pharisees. Even his detractor said,
"no man taught like this man" He innovated unheard of, uncommon method of doing miracles or new ideas of getting kingdom business done. Can you imagine how he initiated raising if fund through Peter to pay tributes (taxes) for himself and his fellow players? Don't be a prisoner of the past ways of doing kingdom work. This is the age of technological break - through.

Daniel 12:4, 1 corinthian 2:16, phillipians 2:5



CONCLUSION: "I am" the self sufficient one. He doesn't depend on anyone to get the job done. Team player should exhibit initiative attitude as well as being innovative. Those who hold on to the past and lean on their experience only will not be able to grasp or perceive the future.



Thanks for viewing my blog.
Happy new month friends


I strongly agree with you on this the attitude of initiative is one of the most important attributes of coworkers, with Jesus. It is a distinguishing factor.

Good to have you back using steemchurch tag, wounderful post, i truly enjoyed it

Thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch.... as Christians we should work together and accomplish the success of the church

Those who have given their life to Christ should always be ready to accept him in truthband in spirit and they should be ready to follow him and do what he wanted by walking towards his paths and working for him with all our heart

Having attitude brings people higher altitude and it's important for co-workers to have positive attitude which Can certainly bring productivity and progress to a business or an organisation to merit the blessings of God

Working with christ is the best work ever. Since when you work with christ, you will acknowledge such an incredible measure of focal points as a christain. God require us to work for him. By addressing the gospel about his doings and besides that he is returning afresh.

Working with God is a full time job,that requires dedication and commitment!

Working with the Lord is not easy but those who serve, work and follow him will never be dissapointed they shall mount on wings like that of the eagle. Their strength shall be renewed daily, they shall run and never grow tired and their feet will never be weary, God will be their light and guide and nothing shall by anything hurt them.
I beseech all to follow God faithfully because he is a rewarder of those who diligently serve and follow him.

I only wish that every one of us would give the Lord Jesus His place on the throne! If the will of God is to be accomplished, what does it matter if I am put in the dust? The Lord’s "well done" surpasses all the praises of the world. The smiling face of heaven surpasses all the angry faces of the earth. The comfort of heaven surpasses the tears of the earth. The hidden manna is enjoyed in eternity. May the Lord bless His word that He would gain us and others also..

Having demeanor brings individuals higher height and it's essential for associates to have inspirational state of mind which Can surely convey profitability and advance to a business or an association to justify the favors of God