What do you feed yourself?

"Do not eat anything that is forbidden." (Deuteronomy 14: 3)
"Do not eat anything that you find dead, you can give it to a foreigner who lives in any of your cities, and he can eat it, or you can sell it to other foreigners, but you are a people consecrated to the Lord, your God." Do not cook a kid in the milk of his mother. "(Deuteronomy 14:21)
We know that to obtain a healthy life and to reach a long life, we depend on physical exercises and a good diet. The food generates the necessary energy so that our body creates movement, and the substances of the food also generate defenses so that our organism fights diseases.
This is the Word of God. When we feed on the word and know the truth, it creates a wall of protection in us, opens our eyes and encourages us to live a holy life, away from the "diseases" of that world (sin) and generates in us a force called faith that moves the spiritual world. The Word of God is alive and effective, it is sharper than any two-edged sword, and it penetrates to the point of dividing soul and spirit, together and meduluses, it is apt to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Jesus said: Just as the Father, who lives, sent me, and I live for the father, so also whoever feeds on me, will live for me.
Have we fed on Christ? When we spend most of our time in front of the "black box of the capeta" that is television, or in orkut, we receive an immense load of contaminated food (unclean animals as described in Deuteronomy 14) that will surely contaminate our body and mainly the heart, leading to slow death.
We live today a time of hypocrisy, where many ministers go up to the altar totally empty, feed on unclean things (greed, adultery, dissension, lies, hatred, unforgiveness and etc), and review a totally mixed and contaminated anointing for the people . Our body is the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, and we will only keep it pure, if the food is clean.
Let us learn to separate the Holy from the Profane, because God has prepared a great banquet for us, the true heavenly manna, full of the grace, authority and favor of God.
In our community there is always one or several meals to nourish faith, love and patience.