Does Angels help people?

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

God loves his children and he often send his angels to guard and minister to us. The book of Hebrews says that angels are ministering spirit.
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The Bible told us that the angels of the lord encamped around those that fear the lord. The angel of the lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them ( psalms 34 vs 7 KJV)
Biblical stories of angels helping people
Firstly, let's look at Daniel. Daniel was favoured by God to be raised to a high office by his royal master Darius Mede.
But jealous rivals of Daniel deceived the king to make a decree under the law of Medes and Persians to kill Daniel. Daniel was found guilty of the law and was brought before the king. The king desired to save Daniel but could not help it but to cast him into the lions dean, at sunrise he ran back to see if God had delivered his friend Daniel. He shouted with a lamentable voice unto Daniel saying " oh Daniel servant of the living God, is thy God whom that serves continually able to deliver thee from the lions? And Daniel said unto the king O king live for ever, my God hath sent his ANGELS, and hath shut the lions mouth and they have not hurt me (Daniel 6 vs 8 - 23).
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Secondly, let's look at the story of Elijah. Elijah's life was in danger cause the prophet of bars where killed. He arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba and left his servant there and himself journeyed into the wilderness and sat under a juniper tree and requested for himself that he might die and he said: it's enough now oh lord take my life for i am not better than my father's. And he lay and slept under the juniper tree and the angel of the lord touched him and said unto him, arise and eat. And he looked and behold there was cake baken on the coals and a cruse of water at his head ( 1 kings 19 vs 1 - 10 )
There are so many stories in the Bible of the angels helping the children of God but just two of them was selected. You can read more about them.
Outside biblical stories angels still help and protect people continuously.
Eventually everyone in this life have been saved by angels in one way or the other. But funny enough we won't notice.
I have been saved by angels so many times, my dad told me that when I was a kid he always throw me up and then catch me just to make me laugh continuously, one day he threw me up and then he mistakenly fall backwards he testified that I remain in the Air for close to 30 seconds till he stood up to catch me. Brothers and sisters that's a clear prove that angels exists and they help and protect people.
Thanks for reading.
God bless steemchurch.