The Book of Life

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Happy Sunday to all members of #steemchurch. Today i would like to lay emphasis on the importance of understanding God's word.


The bible is the most published book in human history without a shroud of a doubt, but is it the most read book in history? That is the question.

For most christians, at some points of their lives they may decide to read the entire bible over a period of time. Now some manage to do so while many fall by the way side due to many factors mainly a lack of inspiration. Some don't even bother to read it at all. They ask questions such as; what is the point? Is it even that big a deal?, or some postpone it saying, i will start some other time. This should not be so and i will give a few reasons to support that claim.

  1. The Bible lets us know God. Now there is a huge difference between 'knowing God' and 'knowing about God', everyone knows about God but to know God we have to make a conscience effort to get nearer to him. This can be achieved by reading about him in the bible.

  2. The Bible lets us know God's will. Now some may argue that while Hebrews 10:16 states that, "this is the covenant i will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will puts my laws in their hearts, and i will write them on their minds", that this allows them to know God's will without reading the bible. But it is not so because over time our conscience as humans become clouded and as such we have to go back and understand what God wants. This can be achieved by reading the bible.

  3. The Bible teaches us about the character of God. When we read the bible we are able to see the way God interacts with humans and the way he treats us and what he wants from us.

  4. The Bible teaches us about past experiences and how to overcome them. A lot of persons may look at the bible as a bunch of mashed up stories but the fact is that all these stories all hold an important moral lesson and understanding these make life far easier for us.

  5. The Bible gives us Hope, Faith and Trust in God. When we feel depressed and in a stage we think nothing can go right, the bible teaches us otherwise. Psalm 119:105 says, "your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path".

  6. The Bible teaches us the gospel of Christ and keeps us away from sin.

So tonight before you go to bed or in the morning when you wake, i urge you to take out just ten minutes to read a passage in the bible. I wish you luck.