Unity: Learn it from Ants

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Allow us to watch the lives of ants. There are a better than average number of lessons, We the people can get from these irrelevant creatures. Regardless of the way that they tumble once in a while in their undertakings they never surrender. They endeavor and endeavor and endeavor until the point when the moment that they accomplish their task. They aggregate their sustenance in amass in solidarity. In addition, protect it for the stormy season. These little creatures fight to manufacture their homes on earth. Regardless, the creatures of earth, we the general population consistently devastate it intentionally or accidentally. Nevertheless, they never surrender and find somewhere else and re-make it. In any case, Alas! The general population as often as possible bomb pitiably in their undertakings And get disillusioned and forsake the target the way. They try to do their things adolescently and attempt to pass on just it, And totally tumble in a substantial number of their undertakings. They bomb in their undertakings generally as a result of the nonappearance of this solidarity. In the Holy Bible, in the book of Proverb-Solomon the most sharp man anytime lived on earth expressed, and I quote: "Go to bug, thou sluggard; Consider her ways and be adroit Which having no guide, controller or ruler, Provideth her meat in the pre-summer, And gathereth her support in the gather." *1

Additionally, the most wise man again expressed:

"Four things on earth are close to nothing, Yet they are incredibly clever: Ants are creatures of minimal quality, Yet they reserve their sustenance in the mid year" *2

The ants begins things out in that summary, Though they are little in measure they are astute. Furthermore, do their things precisely and accomplish their target. In any case, Alas!! We the general population don't have this "solidarity" And we bomb miserably in each one of our undertakings. For what reason wouldn't we have the capacity to look at these little keen creatures And get these significant lessons for our extraordinary. Gives take access this and practice this in our consistently life.

Thanks to pixabay for providing photos.


It was quite lengthy but I read it all. Its really a motivational blog. I appreciate your work. Keep ut on.

Thanks. hard work pays off.