The wonderful features of a knight we must emulate

in #steemchurch7 years ago

This post is dedicated to @sirknight of steemchurch for his total dedication and love for the steemchurch and steemians.



LOYALTY: Staying unwavering

For I want ardent love and not sacrifice,the learning of God instead of consumed offerings.(Hosea 6:6)

SERVANT LEADERSHIP: Bewilling to serve others

It might not be so among you. Be that as it may, whoever would be extraordinary among you should be your hireling (Matthew 20:26)

KINDNESS: Be liberal and thoughtful to others

What is wanted in a man is graciousness . . .(Sayings 19:22)

HUMILITY: Put others in front of yourself

Do nothing from egotistical aspiration or pride, yet in modesty check others more huge than yourselves. (Philippians 2:3)

PURITY: Have a perfect heart

Give nobody a chance to loathe you for your childhood, yet set the devotees a case in discourse, in direct, enamored, in confidence, in immaculateness. (1 Timothy 4:12)

HONESTY: Always be honest

In this manner, having secured misrepresentation, let every last one of you talk reality with his neighbor, for we are individuals one of another. (Ephesians 4:25)

SELF-DISCIPLINE: Practice discretion and work to defeat shortcomings

Have nothing to do with flippant, senseless myths. Or maybe prepare yourself for righteousness; for while real preparing is of some esteem, piety is of incentive all around, as it holds guarantee for the present life and furthermore for the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:7-8)

EXCELLENCE: Always put forth a valiant effort

Do you not realize that in a race every one of the sprinters run, however just a single gets the prize? So run that you may acquire it. (1 Corinthians 9:24)

INTEGRITY: Have solid good standards

Whoever strolls in uprightness strolls safely, yet he who makes his ways screwy will be discovered. (Sayings 10:9)

PERSEVERANCE: Stick to it to the wrap up

What's more, let us not become exhausted of doing great, for in due season we will harvest, on the off chance that we don't surrender. (Galatians 6:9)

Knight is a term to allude to a warrior or aristocrat in previous circumstances, or today to allude to a man who has been given a regal acknowledgment. The female type of the last is normally Dame. In spite of the fact that the foundations of the word knight are associated with the Old English cniht, which means page kid, or essentially kid, or German knecht, or hireling, the thoughts of knighthood are apparently more firmly attached to the Roman equites.

Amid the medieval times, the term knight alluded to a mounted and heavily clad officer. Initially, knights were warriors on horse-back, yet the title turned out to be progressively associated with honorability and societal position, in all likelihood in view of the cost of preparing oneself in the mounted force. Knighthood in the long run turned into a formal title offered on those aristocrats prepared for dynamic war obligation.

In principle, knighthood could be presented on a man by any knight, however it was by and large viewed as good to be named knight by the hand of a ruler. By about the late thirteenth century, somewhat in conjunction with the emphasis on dignified conduct, a set of principles and consistency of dress for knights started to develop. Knights were qualified to wear a white belt and brilliant goads as indications of their status. In addition, knights were additionally frequently required to swear devotion to a master ruler.

A knight was to take after a strict arrangement of guidelines of lead. These were the chivalrous excellencies. (Unique knights had few of these characteristics. At the point when the congregation regarded knights excessively savage and boisterous, they interceded and started focusing on the significance of temperances until the point when the congregation turned into an incorporated piece of knighthood and gallantry.) The ideals included:

Benevolence (Towards poor people and abused. They should be cruel with criminals.)




Dread of God



Most extreme thoughtfulness and kindness to women

These ethics turned out to be more admired as time went on. Changes in military strategies, for example, the effective utilization of the longbow against the French mounted force in the clashes of Crécy and Agincourt decreased the significance of the rangers. (In any case, the genuine end of the knight was realized by the utilization of black powder and firearms.) in the midst of peace all through the later Middle Ages and as late as the finish of the sixteenth century, the part of the knight was advanced and lauded through exceptionally adapted competitions that drag little likeness to the wicked fighting in which the "commonplace knight" had once partaken. (Early competitions were in reality fundamentally the same as war. They initially included numerous members doing combating each other on the double in a riotous ridicule war, however they later developed to the prevalent, one-on-one jousting we as a whole know.)

At the point when even the competitions left mold, knighthood turned out to be less and less attached to fighting, and progressively demonstrated economic wellbeing.

Knighthoods are still issued in:

The United Kingdom (see British respects framework) and some Commonwealth nations.

The Netherlands. The Dutch identical word is ridder, e.g., in Ridder in de Orde van Oranje– Nassau

Denmark - Dannebrogordenen (Order of Dannebrog)

Apparently there are different governments that additionally take after the training. Present day knighthoods are normally granted in acknowledgment for administrations rendered to society, administrations which are not any more fundamentally military in nature. The performer Elton John, for instance, is qualified for call himself Sir Elton. The female equal is a Dame.



Thanks for posting at steemchurch. Peace!



Hello sir, i would love to join the steem church but i dont know how to go about it.

Write a very nice post and tag the steemchurch, you can also follow @steemchurch.

what a great pride moment for @sirknight 😍😍

lots of love for Sk ....

You've said it all, you've stated the qualities of a knight, and our spiritual leader here @sirknight has really been a wonderful example of all this. God bless you for this amazing post

A very good post you have put together for our great leader @sirknight, we must emulate him, have learnt alot from this great man, always willing to help and improve other people's lives. This is a nice post for our mentor.. Thumb up

Thoughtful and inspiring a knight is an example we all should try to emulate I have watched a movie of how these kinghts displayed unique qualities such as kindness,loyalty,meekness,integrity,excellence.I was marvelled at their stand and unswerving allegiance to the king of the land.In a short sentence they can be characterized as 'men of loyalty and valor'. Likewise in the scriptures we were that is we Christians was referred to as soldiers,it was put like this a soldier does not entangle himself with civilian affairs so we believers should not entangle ourselves with the way of the world.In addition it is said that life is a war more like it everyday battle so to survive and fight back we must possess the optimal qualities of a knight.

"LOYALTY: Staying unwavering

For I want ardent love and not sacrifice,the learning of God instead of consumed offerings.(Hosea 6:6)"
well spoken

It has always be my pleasure to see people who are ready to work for Christ in truth and in spirit .
A knight lives a life to influence others through the works of Christ .
We all have the responsibility to help build the church no matter how small your contribution is , either with your money or your attitude towards others

We, also, must be loyal to God!

we should also abide to His will for us.