Fact or Fiction?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

This morning as I was dwelling on God's goodness, I know I don't have the answers to everything and sometimes I can't find myself backed up in a corner because I allowed fear to cripple me. I'm guilty of running, settling and doubting my calling. I fail many times, struggle trying to balance it all, and even allow my setbacks to hinder me from growing. All these things I share because I want you to know you're not alone. I've had my fair share of battles, doubts and nights crying on my hands and knees surrendering everything I have left in me. As i pray this prayer, I am reminded who I am, where I'm going and why I'm here. And that's straight facts. No one can tell me different, nor do they have the power to take this truth away from me. It's a matter of me standing on the way of my own success and purpose. The question I have to continue asking: what will I choose to believe... Facts or Fiction?