Getting some basic income
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View this post on Hive: Getting some basic income
Steem is no longer decentralised and may steal your funds. Use Hive instead.
Cool idea! Steem is a great place to test concepts like basic income, since it is so easy for people to launch little experiments... thanks for the nomination :-)
You have 2 now, you were one of my initial nominee's.
danggg im rich
I'm on this big time in the last weeks. I'm happy to see your found it too. I've been holding giveaways for sbi and sending these out left and right. I feel like this program is a winner. I went from 1 cent per post 10 days ago to 4 cents now with my sbi vote.
Boost your reward from sbi by putting them on your autovoter. I recently wrote a post about that:
They are about 6 days behind right now since the program seems to be catching on. I have a lot of UBI believers of twitter and I'm using this program as a hook over there to try to get people here.
I did some catching up today and now I'm only a day behind! I love that you're using it to bring people into Steem. That's an idea I'm planning to build more support toward in the future.
Lots of people are on board with the theoretical idea and now they can participate in reality! I'm really happy to spread the word :)
And here you have another share:

Thanks for supporting and promoting @runningproject ;-)
Wow, thanks for that. I'm happy to help build communities
Looks interesting maybe they will get noticed by a whale and get delegated some SP that would help i think.
Thanks @steevc, I have 7 now after adding another one for @trolleydave to help him along a bit.
The original ones I sent are now active, but how do we know if additional ones added later have been added too? There doesn't appear to be any further notifications after the initial one. A question for the sbi people I suppose.
Apparently there's a spreadsheet somewhere that lists them all. I've not looked yet. I may well nominate some more
I will look for it. If you vote up their article's then that adds to your stake. I don't know how it works. I think I will nominate some more later too, just need to get a few more SBD's in the coffers.
@steevc very generous of you to do. And because I am in a good mood, I decided to sponsor you a share! Enjoy it!

Thanks. I'll be looking to support more people this way
How cool !! Thank you :) will dive into it , have heard of it but not really looked it trough. Thanks @steevc , much appreciated !!
That you so much @steevc. That's really kind of you! 😍
Thanks @steevc ... I was waiting to see if this was something to do.
My friend nominated me a while back.
I am not sure if anyone else has.
You are two I need to put on a list and do it. I think it could add up over time. Then of course there is ...
Of course Mike needs to post if he wants some votes :)
I have used this since it was launched. Well worth it for Minnows. @slobberchops rocks by the way!