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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Superpower)

I've taken part in a contest with the same question not so very long ago. The problem is that I don't remember what I answered, so I have to go through the entire thinking process again.
Reading minds is not an option. Being hypersensitive I'm already better at that than I would like. Also, I'm already more empathic than good for me, so being able to see things from other people's perspective is ruled out too.
Being immortal would be boring and painful, so no thanks .

Being invisible? I have been pretty invisible during my first 18 years in this life. Believe me, there is no fun in that.

Flying... it is something that has been fascinating me for a long time. Flying through the sky, just like birds do... I think that would give me the ultimate feeling of being free. So I guess I would like that to be my special superpower... :0)


Ah, damn it! I thought I was being original with the extra little bits on the end!

Flying does feel like an ultimate exercise in freedom! I'm glad you finally got to a superpower after ruling out the ones that you really didn't think were good for you or had too many downsides!

I have been thinking about which superpower I chose for the other contest, and I'm pretty sure ot was telekinesis. The main reason for that is that I'm very, very lazy, so it would be convenient to be able to get objects nearby without having to get up, lol.

But I think being able to fly like a bird is way cooler. It's like you say: it's ultimate freedom.

I loved this contest, by the way. It doesn't happen very often that I read the entire comments section, but here I did read every single comment. There were a whole lot of very interesting thoughts and answers :0)

there are more people then original idea's this is why copyright is hopelessly out dated.
if 100 people thing the same thing only the one who files the copyright and gets it approved first holds the monopoly on that thought for 30 years.

Oops, i went off road met mijne fiets...
Flying would indeed be a cool superpower.

Oops, i went off road met mijne fiets...

LMAO. I completely forgot you could speak Dutch. It's hard to keep track sometimes, lol

Now, to be honest, flying 'Exorcist-style' was not really what I had in mind, although it looks like a cool superpower to scare others, hahaha

haha I would not mind the floating kind of flying. I would also take away the risk of falling. :-D

One important thing you are forgetting: if you know how to fly, the risk of falling is reduced to a minimum, lol.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

I think you accidentally posted this a few too many times!

steemit had a hangover... i tried to send it, and everytime it failed, but for some reason it still secretly worked??
I hope someone will sing this rhyme.The fun of beta, eh?
WTF just happened? Steemit inserted a sentence of my PREVIOUS POST into this post. spooky!!! LOL
My apologies for the techno gods.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.

just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.

The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here: