Saturday Celebration #2

in #steembasicincome7 years ago (edited)


It is time for my second Saturday Celebration and an opportunity for you to win SBI shares. This week I wrote a series of four short posts on prayer. It may not have been your cup of tea, but you are welcome to still enter a draw for two SBI shares.

Here is what you have to do.

  1. Upvote this post
  2. Read the series
  3. Pick the one you like the most and nominate it in the comments on this post
  4. Briefly motivate your choice

You can find the series here.

  1. Thoughts on prayer 1/4
  2. Thoughts on prayer 2/4
  3. Thoughts on prayer 3/4
  4. Thoughts on prayer 4/4


  1. At least five people have to enter for a prize to be awarded
  2. Only comments to this post will be considered
  3. Two SBI shares. One winner
  4. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, 24 July 2018
  5. All comments that qualify as entries will be upvoted by me. I have some leases expiring soon, so no telling what the value of the vote will be.
  6. The winner will be determined by a draw. You have to fully comply to be entered into the draw.

I am grateful to @kmayegaindia, @ayyeenn, @georgian2979, @fabio2614, @botefarm, @felicitas, @ahmadmanga, @blessed-girl, @lexymaine, @jesusagon for their comments on the series thus far. I hope you will all be able to enter here for a chance to win @steembasicincome shares.

I will also be offering Superior Coin via @Kryptonia to enter this contest. If you are active on @Kryptonia, make sure to claim the Superior Coin.

Follow the following link if you want to register an account at @Kryptonia for free and earn Superior Coin.


I look forward to your comments on my little series!



Thoughts on Prayer 3

Treating God like a vending machine. Am guilty of this, its only when am in trouble, need something or kind of down that i remember that there is actually a God up there. I always try to put God before me in everything, but in the hustle and bustle of the day i ended up forgetting.

This thoughts on prayer really made me have a rethink.


Thank you @botefarm. Entry #2

@reonlouw this is a very good contest for all of us. thanks a lot for this amazing contest.

It is very much tough for me to select best one from that series as all were very much best. but after all i have to select one so i will select as 2nd part.

Thank you @kmayegaindia. Entry #3

@reonlouw how to increase more entry??

I am sorry @kmayegaindia. This is so small, I do not think it necessary to allow more than one entry into the draw.

I liked this one Thoughts on prayer 1/4 also i liked this part when you said So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help. That motivated me and I am totality agree. God bless you. Kryptonia ID @mejia_martinez

Thank you @me2017. Entry #4

I'm guessing you mean the winner will be announced 24 July 2018. At any rate, my nomination is for #4. I don't know what you mean by "motivate your choice." Do you mean, put it into practice? That's very good advice, if so. But I do like the way you approached this. Keep asking. That's God's will for all us. Don't just ask once. Ask and keep asking. Right on.

On another note, I may have to sign up at Kryptonia.

Thank you @blockurator. I corrected the 2018.

I do recommend @kryptonia. It helps you drive engagement to your Steemit blog. You earn a completely separate cryptocurrency by doing what you are already doing. And if you take a look at my upvotes on this post, you will see two rather significant upvotes from @kryptonia and @kryptoniabot that happens for free.

I'll go for "thoughts on prayer #2"
Indeed, when we ask God in prayer it is believing that someone up there is more powerful than anyone else. A great manifestation of humility, accepting the fact that you can do nothing without His help. That moment when you fold down your knees, who would say no to someone who asked something that way? If someone would ask me that way, I would surely embraced him and give what he needs.
Prayer is the ultimate strength when we are in weakness. In doing it, heaven's gate will be open wide for someone humble down there.... us in particular.

wahhh! I like this contest so much...😊

Thank you @fabio2614. Entry #10

My choice is number 4:
"Don't stop asking for what you realy want!"
I asked God about 9 years ago for 2 things:"God, give me time and health, I will take care of rest." Last week I was reminded to keep asking for it.
I preyed and asked again: "time and health ". I got it again, but I have to keep on asking.
Greetings from @Kryptonia, @nexit!
Have a nice day!

Thank you @nexit. Entry #5

@rishishrt @kryptonia . I would select Thoughts on prayer 2/4

Thank you @rishishrt. Entry #8

You have to motivate your choice to be entered into the draw for SBI. However, I will let the Superior Coin go through for what you have already done.

I just read all your spreads of the sentence, I liked them for the examples that you put, you teach very well what you want to express. We are children of God and the children ask their parents without pain, without a doubt, they are always asking for a "YEAH" from their father ... However, we must bear in mind that God knows what is good for us and what is NOT for us, so we must ask and wait if it is, or it is not God's will to grant the request. God wants the best for us always. Let's wait for his will.

Brother, krytonia has changed a bit, since the robot does not vote as before, so I have thought about changing my coins, they can be transferred to other users? I really used it because of the robot that helped me in my publications but it is not the same anymore.

Thank you @blessed-girl. This is a great response. You are obviously a mature believer.

I agree that things have changed at @Kryptonia and I suppose change can be frustrating. Their two bots are still very active and you can now get an even bigger upvote from them. However, this is now based on the size of your budget for a @Kryptonia task. The bigger the budget in Superior Coin, the bigger the upvote you get.
I think things will change again. And then again. Superior Coin is a very young currency and it needs to grow quite a bit. The team behind it is working very hard and there is constant innovation. My opinion is that now is not the time to withdraw or give it away. Because of the bot changes I now offer 100SUP for tasks I used to offer 10SUP for. It is easier to gain SUP now. Collect as much as you can. If it becomes more valuable in the future you can cash in. If it does not you can still drive engagement for your Steemit posts and get the upvotes from their bots. It really is not valuable enough right now to sell, although you can. It does show promise for the future. I'm holding on for a time when it is more valuable.

My nomination is Thoughts on Prayer 2-4
I think prayer not only strengthens one's own beliefs but will have a positive impact on what you do.
Positive thinking and prayer go hand in hand, and with both you need to have some form of belief, and to coin a famous phrase,
"You can only achieve what you believe"

Your Kryptonian Friend Socialmediaseo


Thoughts on Prayer 3

Treating God like a vending machine. Am guilty of this, its only when am in trouble, need something or kind of down that i remember that there is actually a God up there. I always try to put God before me in everything, but in the hustle and bustle of the day i ended up forgetting.

This thoughts on prayer really made me have a rethink.


Thank you @intutkri2. Entry #11