My daily Steem Monsters ; April. 07th, 2020 (Earth Splinter)
Hey guys, it's been a while since my last post. Due to the circumstances that are currently taking up our world, I am now able to do my posts again. I plan to reintroduce them into the daily routine. But enough of that, let's get to the basics.
I didn't post, but I continued to play hard and leveled a few summoners and monsters.
This is why I made Gold II for today's quest.
Because of my overlevel cards, I had an easy game. of course i lost in the meantime, but there are people who have cards that are higher than mine :).
Today I had Earth as a quest.
The gameplay and there reference links are in the description bellow
Lets come to the rewards now:
yes, you see correctly. there are more rewards than usual ^^.
I got 3 cards and one of them was even rare, which I didn't have yet.
there were also 3 potions and a few DEC
Let's see what's next.
In this sense, see you tomorrow.
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