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RE: A discussion of Dan's "People Rank" proposal: complex, potential flaws, is it really necessary?

in #steem9 years ago

Argh you had to post this on a day I'm in with a client @recursive. What's funny is this post is going to go stratospheric before I have time to toss my hat in the ring :(

Anyways, well thought out post. I have an idea that would solve both problems but I'm probably going to need to blog about it tonight.


Ha! It's the village attack game scenario all over again! The village attack game is isomorphic to People Rank! Actually, it very well could be. I'm really curious of what input you can bring to the discussion. I don't think that discussion is going to settle any time soon given the ambitious goal so you have plenty of time to post on the topic. Don't forget to drop the link here so that we can follow!