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RE: Dipped my toes on EOS/Trybe and I think I lost a pinky

in #steem6 years ago

The potential to abuse Steemits uncensorabilty is huge. What if i hate my ex wife and post all her personal info on blockchain? No one can do anything? Its eventually going to come up and IMO could bite us on the ass. I found a post on here outing the court sealed secret identity of a child murderer and it can't be erased. Censorship resistant is cool but what if i post copyrighted file? TBH I don't know how steemit deals with those issues but what if a judge orders a post deleted? What about whistleblower posts, this site is registered in the USA what happens if the next Snowden posts stuff here? How free speech are we really? What if someone came here and posted bomb making instructions? Do wehave a line in the sand for this stuff? I understand the front end can be deleted if it was illegal porn, but information is still on the blockchain, I think one day it will cause a problem.

I'm going to check this site you mention though, steemit isnt perfect, and i think someone else could do it better.....


Very valid concerns. .but it's a new world so the laws will need to adjust as well. .technically the courts can go after witnesses as well. .force STINC to out the witnesses

I have the suspicion that if something is horrid, there is a way to hide it on the front end side of things, making the website steemit survive such events. It would still be on the blockchain, just not on the website, I suspect that is how its currently operating.