RE: Operation Clean Trending
"One can easily imagine the reverse from someone who choose, on the contrary, to be anonymous: "I wanted to stay anonymous because I want to keep the option open of someday behaving like a complete d*ck with impunity"."
The problem with this is that some people are harmed when information sources are targeted for retribution. Anonymity is necessary for some truths to be revealed. Anonymity can be abused for the annoying of others, but is existentially important for certain content to be available.
That availability is vastly more critical than preventing trolls. Simply having a rewards mechanism almost eliminates trolling on Steemit. Losing anonymity might cost lives, or will preclude sensitive content from surfacing on Steemit because of the danger of source targeting.
Particularly as censorship and laws restricting free speech proliferate, anonymity becomes ever more important.
I also fail to see that verified identity will impact content quality, trending, or rewards pool mining substantially.
I don't follow your reasoning but maybe we live in different contexts and have different backgrounds. "Information sources targeted for retribution" ? I would be curious if you had a concrete example maybe ? Like what, someone sending a hitman to your house because of what you wrote on Steemit ? Wow. I wouldn't want to live in your neighbourhood if that is something that looks likely in your context ...
"Losing anonymity might cost lives" ? Wow, really ? Are we talking about Caracas here ?
Censorship and laws restricting free speech proliferate ... for no reason ? Or do you choose to only look at the empty half of the glass ?
The relationship between verified identity and content quality is, to my mind, as follows: if I put effort in my post and craft a good post I am proud of and this post is appreciated by readers then their appreciation will be linked to my real-life person. Because this reputation is on the blockchain, I can take it anywhere with me, it accrues in time. If I was the first in 2018 to write a seminal article about the future of society under crypto as my verified-self I can boast about it even 20 years later when my prediction comes true and then bask in the glory of my realized prediction. So I have a strong incentive to try to write good articles where I display my knowledge, my ability to analyze facts and make sound predictions, etc. All these turn into unique assets associated to my real-life person, assets that I can leverage later.
If instead I am using, say, @regaemuffin as screen name and some fan art as profile picture I have no incentive to take myself seriously and write thoughtful articles because those require effort and who cares.
As I try to explain, including in this post trending and reward pool mining need first to be tackled correctly by Steemit in the next HF. Once that is implemented correctly, then verified identity should discourage people from abusing in a too obvious manner, as negative reputation would be associated with their real-life persona.
So, verified identity will solve Steemit's problems by enabling braggarts to boast. Neither that nor the inuring of a bad reputation will impact the problems addressed in this post at all.
It's a straw man.
I doubt you could point to posts I have made that I didn't take seriously. No cat memes here.
Apparently the fates of Eric Snowden, Julian Assange, and Bradley Manning are unfamiliar to you. Since I have had my head pounded into concrete, against holding cell steel benches while cuffed, been mocked by cops, prosecutors, and judges, while vainly fighting for my rights, I assure you that there is good reason to not say certain things as your verified self.
Unless you like that kind of thing. Some do.
I don't.
Thank you for your answer.
I'll try to convey the nuance once more, I think there's still a chance I didn't make myself clear: once the self-voting and the voting bots are disabled in code then having a one-to-one relationship between real-life people and steemit accounts will greatly help in diminishing the level of abuse because of "portable reputation". Participants will be incentivized to behave responsibly (yes, you may call that "self-censoring") and disincentivized to blatantly mine the reward pool.
It might not solve completly the issues addressed in the post but it will have a markedly positive impact. Of course that's my opinion and absent a testing ground I can't prove anything.
The fates of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning are irrelevant here. A straw man, as you'd call it. I am an investor in Steem because I believe and care about the whole idea, the success of (my vision of) Steemit and also, reasonably enough, about my investment. As a "stakeholder", my opinion is that I do not care about Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. They do not feature anywhere in my vision for Steemit. I do not dream of Steemit becoming the über-whistleblowing site and take over from Wikileaks. I'm not sure that's how it's been positioned by Steemit Inc. either.
Snowden, Assange and Manning and others that want to do what they did (not judging what they did in any way) can keep leaking where they were leaking before. I have zero ambition for Steemit to become the site that hosts Donaldleaks or Xileaks or whatever. I vastly prefer Steemit to become a "virtual country" of creative communities, not a crypto-Wikileaks.
I'm expressing that, the whales might or might not agree. Basically what i'm saying is that "freedom of expression" is only dangerous when the expression itself is harmful to someone. I would prefer to avoid expressions that are "harmful to someone" on Steemit because that tends to get in the way of building harmonious communities. Somehow, calling someone openly a douchebag, whether you're right are wrong, tends to get in the way of building strong social relationship and poison the atmosphere for everyone: even observers will feel the impulse to take sides : "What do you think, is he a douchebag or not? Whose side are you on?"
So yes, there is very good reason to not say certain things as your verified self. My point is that I'd rather not have those kind of things being said on Steemit at all, whether under a "verified self" or as "anonymous". Just go say those types of things someplace else, please, if you have to say them ! There's always Wikileaks or other places who have made their mission to host your "certain things that you'd rather not say under your verified self". Steemit wasn't built with that mission, as far as I know, so please do not hi-jack it.
There is no reason to expect this to occur, other than those I have already discussed. Wishing a thing would be is not reason for it to be.
If you want a community to be able to speak freely, then you must accede to the reality that some people will speak about crimes and corruption that impacts them. Those things are harm. People are concerned about them when they are impacted by them. They will need to speak about them.
That I did so was why my head was beaten into the sidewalk. I harmed no one. I was being harmed, and challenged it. This is exactly what the whistleblowers did, and what is no longer possible on most platforms, and why Steemit is attracting many users today.
You utterly fail to acknowledge that harm is being done and that the bad actors that do this harm seek to conceal their participation in it, and that can only be revealed where there is freedom of speech.
Either Steemit permits freedom of speech, or it becomes NOTHING but a tool of repression, which I, and many, many others, will eschew. There goes your investment.
Your contention that only expression that harms is censored is utterly vapid, insipid, and not only without value, but is itself a harm to free people. It's equivalent to calling a gag on a rape victim necessary to prevent the rape victim from harming the rapist by calling for help.
That's not an exaggeration at all. It's what you advocate in your vision for Steemit.
On the contrary, there is a vast scientific litterature in support of this thesis. One can always say that the studies which have been done do not necessarily apply to a specific situation such as Steemit.
There are many scientific papers that one can find by simply typing "how does anonymity influence human behavior". From one of the papers I find this excerpt quite illuminating:
Coming back to your argument I see several issues with it. First you tend to mix "the real world" where there is crime and corruption and Steemit, which is something ressembling an on-line blogging platform.
I am of the opinion (as a shareholder) that if you want to speak freely about the crimes and corruption of the real world, then go do that someplace else (Wikileaks or wherever). I have no ambition for Steemit to become the place where people come to denounce perceived crimes and corruption. If you nevertheless want to speak about that on Steemit, then you need to have the courage of doing it under your own verified self. Because otherwise what is to prevent someone who was NOT a rape vicitm (to use your own analogy) from using her/his anonymity in order to FALSELY accuse another guy of being a rapist ???
See, you say that your head was beaten into the sidewalk and that you harmed no one. But you are an anonymous user. WHY am I to believe you ? Maybe you are just a big liar and affabulator ? It's very easy to ruin someone else's reputation and life when hiding behind an anonymous account ! How can you prove what you are saying ?
Permitting freedom of speech is not the same as permitting slander, false accusations, calomny and lies all done under the protection of anonymity. Permitting freedom of speech is not the same as absolving those that state something from having to take responsibility for what they claim and produce evidence when accusing someone else.
You don't have to believe me. In fact, it's immaterial whether you believe me or not.
What matters isn't why I know the things I do, but whether they're true or not. I add the expository information to enable even you to comprehend them.
Alas, I see that was too hopeful.
Should you desire a platform where you can herd with sheep suitably tagged as are you, then there are plenty of them.
Why should you desire to ruin this one too?
You're why we can't have nice things.
Like freedom.