Back up from a $3 trading range for STEEM and SBD, up ~30% off the lows...

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Dangit I wished I had some FIAT for buying STEEM when we hit those lows, I was so confident it was the "bottom" by charting it. Maybe it was luck, maybe the confidence was because I had no actual CA$H at risk... but then again I always say that DCA is the best way. If I had bought at $3 and it went on down to $2, I would have been like "Oh Well, should have waited but I know it is going to go back up. I do believe Q1 estimates of $10 Steem Prices for this year, so around Feb, or March I believe we will see it. I am 'hanging my hat' on the FUNDAMENTALS, and using a little TA at times. I trusted my instincts and basic TA when I caught the BTC to $20k Wave (although I sold a bit late, like just under $17k) and then I luckily sent all my BTC to Steemit as SP just before Steem went from $1.25-ish to $8.39 which is close to a 6x gain. But I was in a forced HODL Mode, I was "Hell Bent for DOLPHIN" and slammed it all into SP. We SP-HODlers are the FOUNDATION of Steem Power, I'm just a little rock in the concrete but still there, nonetheless! I'm happy I have held my steem in SP, because it makes me More Steem! It has earned me approximately 3.5% this month alone, YTD! NOWHERE ELSE I know of can I make that kind of safe, dead reliable return on my money! This is of course ignoring any and all Fiat Gains or losses, I consider Steemit to be a net gainer regardless of the fiat values. But it is an even bigger gain if you figure in fiat values, maybe using a slightly longer time line. But most of this was after Jan 1 as I recall... Over all I am doing rather well, as is everyone else, unless you did power-downs or sold liquid Steem or SBD. I'm looking at maybe 60% + gains this year from "earnings" alone, and that is if the price stays Static... but it will go UP, barring a catastrophe of massive proportions.


STEEM mid-Jan Slump.png
Today's chart is up 30%+ from the bottom range, and up ~100% from a month ago. I never did panic, and it would have done no good if I did. I'm glad it did not really go under $3 (well, it did for an hour and 50 minutes) because people would have been rather edgy. We were in Max's chat and everyone was calm. There were questions, but calm prevailed. I would have LOVED to sold @ $6 and bought back DOUBLE at $3, but the SP HODL really discourages that :D Makes it impossible actually, unless one would anticipate and do a power down a week in advance. But then your payouts suffer, if you carry a lot of "ready to sell" steem and sbd! The more folks that Power Up, the less severe these downturns can be. Think About It!

image: w/photo-chop ; post time 00:54 EST


Nice, if it had gone lower I probably would have gotten more of that sweet cheap discounted steem. I think my credit card buy and convert is not looking so bad now :)

Great Move, and if you really need to, maybe it can go up enough, soon enough, where you could keep a lot of it and sell enough to pay off the CC bill, in a month? But like I said, letting it ride really pays off! Thanks for the nice up-vote and comment! :D

Nice to have it back up, but I too wish I had money to buy the dip.

Hey buds!
I didn't get any discounted Steem, but I am happy crypto is starting to wake up again, I miss seeing big numbers.
Cheers mate!

Me too! But then again knowing what is going on during these times is very educational. Learning moments galore :D

I didn’t have anything spare to be invest at 3 but if I had it would have been. Great time to buy
I really feel we’re going above 8 again within this quarter

Me too, I'm thinking 10 as listed above but I am not really predicting if it will go to 12 and settle in at 10, or hit 10 and settle in at the 8's like you say. It almost always hits a big # and sells off a little, a good strategy would be to hold some liquid steem in an exchange and sell at the top, buy back in at a 20% discount give or take ;) Trouble with that is catching the peaks, and the valleys... I look at the slope of the graphs, works well unless you get a SPIKE, straight up and straight back down. That is a sign of a large automated sell order most times. Thanx for stopping by, Boss!

Great thinking 🤔
I am not good at trading like that myself I buy and hold for the most part

But maybe I should

currently above $4 its nice going

yup, pretty smooth...

Sbd providing the support lets aim for high

they are tracking up together, sbd lagging a bit.

Great advice. I am only 15 days old into steem but I have been stacking all my earnings in SP. thanks for the encouraging post

Nice! good to have you. What rep levels did you "skip"? I went from 27 or 28 to 42, nice little jump...
I have had a great year so far, as stated on the article. I believe I have made 150-some SP and it would have been higher but I gave away some coins, and that is an important part of Growth. Giving to others is a universal truth, giving allows you to receive more, you are not a black hole, but a shining star, radiating warmth, light and, well, Love! Build yourself up some first, but be open to an opportunity to give. It will not be much, but be open to it :D You will know what and when, I believe.
I am not calling you out, this just occurred to me as I was writing your reply. I sense a new article forming up... Thanks for the help! :D

LOL! I just watched your brain at work there!

You're right. Enjoy the giving. 😍

Scary, Isn't it? ;)

I appreciate the comment, Dear Lady, and of course, the vote! ;) I've seen you around quite a bit, and just hit your Follow Button :D I wish our feeds had a sorting feature, but some of the offsite features do help.

Terrifying. 😵

Indeed. I wish for a sorting button too! Maybe we can convince a dev to make an extention that could do that. In fact.... maybe I'll just mention that a few times around chat.... LOL!

What do you mean by rep levels? As I said I am pretty new. I agree about giving. I have always found the more you give the more you get I return

your #47 by your name...
Yes, you need a balance between building up and giving, cuz a bigger fish has more to give! It works well here, they call this a Gift Economy ;)

@underground, I was lucky and catched that moment when Steem was low!) Bought around 10 of it. Your moment when you sold BTC and got into steem was also very profitable I think :)

Nice! That is a huge help, the low price. Imagine only getting 4 for the same prices...

yeah, exactly. You just buy dip and have profit really

This is one of those live and learn moments for me, the one thing I've been wanting to do is convert my BTS and possibly EOS(though that one is a bit more stable) into bitUSD or bitSILVER during a dip to buy the lows.... next time, next time

BTS and EOS are HODL Coins in my opinion, based on the same type blockchain as STEEM, but separate. That platform offers much the same wild growth as STEEM once the fundamentals kick in fully. U$D is toilet paper fiat, not sure what bitU$D is yet and as for bitSilver, any precious metals you cannot hold in your hand are not worth having, IMO. That is an old stacker rule ;) So tell me more about these two new 'bits'

Basically they are coins that hold the value of USD or Silver, I just figured I could transfer coin into them during a dip as they would be more stable and hold their value while I wait for the coins to hit their lows and then buy back in, timing would be required though and sometimes guessing that is dangerous

Now no more cheap steem available the time has gone i think :D

I think you are correct...