SteemBay - buy and sell just using steam

in #steem9 years ago

An exclusive shop for selling and buying where the only currency is the Steem.

I was here at home thinking and ended up with this idea, if we create an online store like eBay where users could buy and sell the currency steem would give a great help in leveraging Steem value.

I believe that an exclusive store would cause a huge movement of currency which would improve its market capitation!

Or am I talking nonsense?

What do you think?


I upvoted You

Sell and Sell marketplace using Bitcoin is a much better idea.

Nice idea!

Steemit reputation system is doing great steps forward. SteemBay should use this to show how much an account is trustworthy.

I wrote bit more in depth idea here if you are interested in taking a look Decentralized Marketplace For Steemit

wow man. forgive me, I had not seen its publication and now looked like I copied his idea, now I was sad because I thought I was creating a new idea. again I apologize!

No problem! It's hard to know what has already been thought of. Happy to have many great ideas here. Any increase in awareness is great for steemit. No apology needed! Just thought you might be interested in the article as well. This community is all about sharing. While my post will make a decent amount monetarily, I may not see a penny from those who create this system. That's OK though because the value of steem will be greater and help in that regard in the long run. Sometimes I share ideas with others I think they could benefit from, so keep up the good work/ideas!

Cool.. how about Steemazon?

Voted!. Great idea!