Request : Update from Poloniex on STEEM/SBD transfers.
It has been since HF19 that Poloniex has "Temporarily Disabled" STEEM transfers without any explanation of the problem to the community.
This has a negative impact on the value of STEEM at the worst possible time, (HF19 + EOS), I know many people who would be more than grateful to help out the engineers at Poloniex get their node in order.
I think it's important that we get some correspondent from Poloniex to updates us on Steem in times like this.
I'll upvote any posts that help speed this up!
It looks like a generic message they're putting on all wallets that they haven't enabled:
The fact that other exchanges are not experiencing the same problem will tell most users (that do their due diligence) that the issue lies with Poloniex not the coins.
thankgod i left polo for bittrex
I transferred everything I could out of Poloniex over just this issue. A trading site that regularly prevents people from trading simply isn't worth messing with.
exactly! poloniex is still better than a bank...but ya they must step up their game...this is life and death for some of us! especially users in Africa like @xpency and @tj4real we should show poloniex how freezing funds of people in developing nations can get them KILLED so we need to point out poloniex as being responsible for the deaths of people who cannot buy food because poloniex has frozen their funds
this is also why you cant ever hold
if all the witnesses ganged up on @poloniex we could seize their entire account! Its the same idea as bitcoin being able to change whatever they want with consensus from miners
and so if poloniex keeps this up, all witness nodes could just take a vote and over ride the poloniex account and seize their steem ! its possible but not as easy as I just described and @poloniex should take note!
they just need some time tho, poloniex doesnt have nefarious intentions, they are just a garage ban that grew too large but refused to buy a new offiice and wants to run a multi national global finance corporation out oftheiir moms basement and let the neighbors run security and let their neighbors kids do the marketing...
That would do nothing to reopen the exchange. They hold the keys to mine and every other wallet.
no i mean we could get the steem out of the POLONIEX account WHICH HAS ALL our steem in just one account @poloniex
all poloniex steem is NOT on the exchange! its on OUR blockchain!
my point brings up many questions that noobs will end up freaking out over for the wrong reasons... (not u)i mean i am just talking aout the seem on poloiex
its al in the @poloniex steemit accpunt and so witnesses could all manually override poloniex just like how bitcoins transactions could theoretically be reversed if ALL bitcoin miners manually go back and all reverse it! totally possible! so is confiscating poloniex's steem! but t wont come to that poloniex isnt gona try and just take all the steem.... aha ust bringing up some theoreticals! haha
Yup. Me too. At this point I have the equivalent of $0.02 in Poloniex. Took everything out.
hat site did you use pal? I'm looking into bittrex
I moved my coins from Poloniex to Steemit. I post on how I've done it.
Another member told me, he's coins is on hold for the last four weeks. So I tried to find a way to get out there.
Please follow me @Yehey
Thank you.
My coin also stuck in poloniex almost a month, if you get the solution
appreciate that inform me
True. I have been using Bittrex without any issues (they trade STEEM and SBD).
Yes. In other words, it's total BS.
I start to think that they are greater interests in place like price and volume control.
Seems like they have all kinds of problems and don't really want to provide customer service. People have had SJCX (Storj coin) stuck there for months now with little to no communication. No traditional exchange/broker would ever get away with stuff like that.
The blue pills are 1 dollar the red pills ae crypto's :

The blue pills are 1 dollar the red pills ae crypto's :

I agree. It's not the first time they've done this in regards to coins. I mean, there are literally 20 something other exchanges out there. Pick another one that works for you.
Yeah, but it does seem to be having a chilling effect on the price of steem, which may actually be part of their intention.
This is the most frustrating thing. It's bad enough to have deposit and withdraw blocked for so long on both our currencies - can we at least get some transparency? It is not hard to predict that users will want to know why these are restricted... not a good sign.
I was just able to withdraw my STEEM. Like 5 minutes ago!
Exactly, I've just wrote same thing it looks more and more fishy, more and more scary.
Poloniex is big and we would all loose when it would fall.
There's no "Too big to fall".
Im with you but I think poloniex have done enough damage to the market and have got away with it... I think a decentralised platform on the blockchain is the only solution... Ive lost all hope in poloniex, I believe its centralised just as a bank which is why it should be abolished
That's why Bitshares was created... a decentralized platform. Unfortunately, the likes of Polo, Coinbase..etc don't want to utilize it for some reason or another. My only guess, is they want to maintain control and manipulation of the markets. Pure and simple!
Agreed, moved from polo to bittrex but their ask/bid placing table is really pissed me off (in my opinion).
I think table of placing bids/ask should be more comprehensive and user friendly like general forex standards. PEACE
I know exactly what you mean. I've since gotten used to it, but once or twice I paid more than I meant to and received less coins than I'd intended.
@tj347 u lucky one... it happened with me so many times... but i recovered my losses by catching some good trades... @poliniex
is there other site aside from poloniex that has the same functionality?
Have you checked, Bittrex? i elaborated on this on my comment below. Bittrex does not have lots of issues like Poloniex..good to diversify.
Yobit is better as there trollbox is still runing @charles1 @yobit @trollbox
Same here Boss.
you know what sucks? it took a week to post this 'info' message on the exchange page. if it takes another week to post another update while our coins are lost in hyperspace, it sucks even more...
Very suspicious behavior if you ask me. Why the silence when they are the ones who disabled the thing in the first place. Didn't anyone think to inform people why they've disabled? They obviously knew why they were disabling but they chose to withhold info
Yes I also find this a little bit suspicious. Never trusted silence.
it is kindof suspicious...
Better customer services ... more trustworthy company/exchange @iamwatsi
forget polo!
I agree, hence why I advised most of my contacts to diversify to Bitrrex. See My comment below in this post also elaborated on it and why. Good comment @cqf
Hey can u tell me good exchange sites? I've used Polo but want to try some new maybe better one. Thx 4 that :)
Bittrex IS the future!
Poloniex are damaging their own reputation with this. A trading platform that suspends trading for so long will only harm it's reputation in a market place where user trust is vital.
I completely agree, POLO sure have taken their time to back to us or give any response. Surely sending out an email to the user base wouldn't have killed them?
There are enough talented people here that could probably get involved to expedite the situation, so this post is a great idea to bring the problem to the surface again and get it the attention it deserves!
I cannot believe they still haven't fixed the issue.. All other coins would be ok... but not this one!
This is a very good strategy from you @transisto to resolve this issue. Issue is not to help Poloniex but do they want to be helped??? that is the million dollar question. I think that (just my own view poin) that it might be done on purpose by a competitor to compromise steem due to the positive trend and potentials of steem. However, with little time, Poloniex will see the light and resolve the issue. The same issue with peoples account, hence why most are changing to Bittrex.
I will send them a note and hope that many will join in knocking on their door till we knock it wide open and they resolve this issue: the power of crowd and team work in action...they must hear our one united voice.
Upvoted and resteemd (for others to join the fight), thanks for sharing and all your support here.
@transisto in addition to my comment above, I was wondering : with strategic innovation and design thinking strategy (I can help) plus all the human capital we have here at steemit, we can actually have our own exchange in order to take the fight to the likes of Poloniex and Coinbase et al that plays on us when ever there is a big sale in the market in order to take advantage. However , on the other hand, this will need lots of work, costs and will take some time to achieve. But we will surely reach there if we try and this will add value to steem ecosystem and most importantly, give us all a rest of mind. A win win for all.
Hi, I warned about this a few days ago
Yea, Poloniex's level of service has declined ever since trollbox has gone and no one's been able to discuss issues in real time..
Wow, had not notice they had taken off the TrollBox
Yes, sad indeed, but I guess their support was overwhelmed and that too is sad lol
There is blood in the streets! Great time to buy steem @ $1.50

Thanks, now I'll know what to look for.
First time ive thought of that one literally! ...eek :/
The idiot's just disabled BTS (bitshares) wallet also !!!

Wow! I wonder if they are campaigning against all coins Dan created?