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RE: Details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

So there is a lot of controversy around splitting the rewards pool. I honestly keep going back and forth on it, so I can't say I have an extremely strong position on it. I am still giving it a lot of thought. The one big argument that I will say against it though is it seems like it violates KISS.

So ignoring whether you are for or against splitting the rewards pool for a sec, I will say I am strongly in favor of using n^2 / (1 + n) in place of n^2. @clayop did an excellent job summarizing the views that came out of a very large community discussion here, and the consensus is that implementing this across the board (for comments and posts) is a really good idea.

There has also been some talk about re-working the curation formula too, to incentivize better voting behavior. I think there is potential to make some significant improvements here, and I've heard some good ideas proposed by @smooth.

We propose to role out the new curve for the comments only because comments do not have curation rewards in the next release. If it is successful for comments, then we will have to derive a new curation reward equation based upon this curve before we can adopt this curve to top level posts.

I do really like that the end goal includes having n^2 / (1 + n) for both comments and rewards, and potential changes to the curation formula. Both of these are a big plus IMO.